Constructive Feedback on the new level 4 ender effect

Here is a side by side comparison:

Frankly, it’s a mistake to add the new effects.


BasicAlly you are
Asking for warp effects and bright lights to mask animation gaps

I dislike it for level 4 enders shadow enders would make more sense.

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Based on the overall response, I think its safe to say most people would like to have it as a lvl 4 shadow ender. What is the possiblity of this happening, @BlitzedKraig and @rukizzel ?

Not bad. I see the difference!

I feel that you are right based on the current state of the lvl4 ender, but maybe that which we saw is just a place holder for something better?

Normally I don’t agree with a lot of the complaints that a lot of people have about the game , but this time I really have to agree. I’m really really not liking this new effect. It’s very very cheap looking, and it adds nothing to the fight. The past effect looks way better and doesn’t disrupt the flow of the fight like this new one does. The way the camera angle changes is also awkward and throws of the timing for players.

Be careful, the first one is from the Trailer, it really doesn’t hit that hard In-game.

Honestly what ruins it is the bad camera angel they’ve used for the new ender. The first picture zooms out, it has a perfect view to see how effective Jago launched sabrewulf. The second picture zooms IN now and is behind Jago’s back. We can’t truly see how powerful that ender is now and that is my biggest complaint about it.

Right, but doesn’t it look great? That’s what MS/IG should be striving for.


Let me start by getting something off my chest. I think I see what they’re trying to do. I feel They want to give the game an anime cinematic makeover which is awesome (i love blazblue and gg).

Thing is, those games use sprites instead of 3d models, that alone in itself is a huge budget difference. This game goes for the 3D model semi realistic look which costs more to produce, and I’m almost certain they simply don’t have the budget to produce new content and make it more cinematic simultaneously.

I believe that they should focus on sticking to the dynamic approach and remaining within their budget. Slapping something cinematically terrible and poorly animated just for the sake of having cinematics is not the way to go.

With that said, I don’t mind a cinematic level 4 ender as long as the camera remains on a 2D plane. This game has alot of cut corners and utilizing a 3D camera emphasizes alot of these issues (especially animations)

On a side note I’m beginning to suspect that the shadow changes were due to the PC release. Perhaps the og shadows were resource intensive and to prevent optimization issues they went with something more basic. If it was truly about the story canon and purple, a simple color switch would have sufficed, but the effects got downgraded immensely as well.


Guilty Gear has full 3D models.

I get the same feeling too. Keits has influence over the game, and he LOOOVES anime fighters.

The latest one. Previous titles used sprites

I have the guilty gear series.


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I just want to say that this thread is the prime example of how you’re supposed to provide feedback. The criticisms are presented in a productive way, solutions are provided, and as a result everyone is having civil discussions instead of arguing with each other.


Instead of the background just blacking out, the screen should match what kind of ender it is OR maybe match the character characteristics…

so for glacius his enders would have like an “Shattering Ice” background

Orchid and jago should have a firey looking effect

Saberwould could get like a Night time full moon ominous effect

Thunder, rain and lighting of course

BUT like I said there will probably be so many bugs I doubt these things.


I like OP’s idea. The effect showing up during the highest possible damage ender in the game is much more agreeable than changing all of the cool dynamic ender animations.
I also think the effect could use some adjustments, preferably a more subtle and imposing darkening of the stage ala MKX fatalities (I feel weird praising that game after ragging on it so often, but it does have stuff I dig :stuck_out_tongue: ) but that’s mostly because the cut from regular stage straight into SPAAAACE hurts my eyes a bit.

Edited OP again to add the gif comparison as well as lengthen some explanations. (Probably unnecessarily, but that’s just me wanting to be clear.)