Complete Season 2 Review by LCD | Season 3 Ideas/Thoughts

You forgot that Sand Spike can also hit airborne opponents where shatter requires them to be grounded. That sand spike causes a launched state where Shatter does not. Even though Shatters hit-box extends I would say up to Glacius’ waist, it has about 3 frames to hit a jumpy opponent. Where sand spike can just be done when they are falling and launch them away again anyways.

I wanted to let enough time go by before I respond to what people think.

I agree on Hisako’s backdash. She is an overall solid and fun to play character. She does have wake-up options, of course none of them are guaranteed, but they are all offense based (none of her options get her out of pressure except by guessing correctly and opening your opponent up).

I would like it if she got a buff to her backdask or her teleport. You can get thrown out of backdash on startup FFS. Really?!?

Her teleport doesn’t need a buff, you have some options to cancel some of the recovery but it shouldn’t just be a safe move entirely. Her back dash is mildly weak but a lot of characters can get thrown during certain frames of their dash unless the dash has a far distance like Thunder’s is deceptively far. I might look into her back dash in the lab when I get home. You should be able to dash a grab but it depends what frames are invulnerable.

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Other characters have always been able to escape my throw attempts by backdashing. She doesn’t need a fast or far backdash, but escaping a throw should be possible.

Maybe it has to do with the fact that she can answer throws with her influence command grab that she remains vulnerable to throws during the startup of her backdash. No other character can counter a throw in a way that opens the opponent up for full combo, from the top of my head. But this is only when she has full wrath.

I do agree on the teleport, tho.

Aganos does have a mid-screen threat: the Peacemaker. The issue is that it’s way too expensive to obtain outside of Instinct and can be lost just as easily as it is while in Instinct, where he gets it several times for free, making it not worth pursuing in neutral. Additionally, it makes his bad up-close defense even worse.

It’s discussed with pretty good depth here: Making the Peacemaker more useful

I was thinking the exact same thing Paul. Still complaining about adding stuff to the characters he uses and taking away from the ones he can’t beat. Also, talks about characters you can tell he’s spent ZERO time in the lab with like Cinder. Cinder is so easy to break in the air once you’ve spent some time understanding his mechanics and animations. Same with Aria. Her Instinct really is the best since…I’m not even gonna waste my time explaining something when that’s what the lab is for.

If anything can a mod please merge this thread with all the other 100 topics of “What I would like to see in S3” . It will help keep the forums from being cluttered with redundancy.

I don’t think I was being biased towards the characters I play at all. Don’t confuse bias with me having extra knowledge of certain characters and being able to dissect them a little bit better than the ones I don’t play. You know this because I don’t play characters like Aganos, Glacius or Aria yet I suggested things that could help them out.

Wulf is in a very good place right now as I stated above in the OP and just because I didn’t say he needed new tools in bad match-ups doesn’t mean I’m being bias. What else could he possibly receive that would make his bad match-ups better? A fireball? Wulf will always struggle against zoners because that’s just the nature of his character.

As far as Wulfs instinct goes you yourself even said he could do without the damage buff.

You are right the peacemaker is great mid-full screen tool but the problem with it is he doesn’t get access to it unless hes already losing the game or he risks putting up and taking down walls which also sacrifices any “decent” potential damage he can do.

He needs something he can do that doesn’t require instinct or chunks. Spamming hard kick and normal grab is all Aganos players do at the moment.

For those asking the reason why I didn’t include Omen in this review is because he is a bonus character and I don’t think he will be receiving any significant changes going forward if any at all with the exception of maybe a few animation changes. I could be wrong but only time will tell.

Attacking me and saying I don’t lab is just ridiculous. The last person who tried to tell me I don’t lab got rekt in a debate similar to this. Keeping in mind that I had to beat 2 of the best cinders in the world at EVO meaning that yes, I had to lab him at some point. Knowing how to punish flame, knowing when trailblazer becomes not a true block string etc. For the record I know how to break cinders trailblazer because it should be based on Diagonal is light, forward is medium and down is heavy. If you labbed yourself then you know that it’s inconsistent when hes fired up.

Concerning your point of me being Bias, I invite you to read my response to Paul a couple of replys above this one.

Instead of actually adding into the discussion of characters, all you’ve done here is attack me and try and defend your characters from what is honest feedback from my “personal” perspective. Why don’t you provide feedback as well and have an intellectual discussion here instead of treating me like I’ve never played the game before. If you disagreed with something I said then tell me what that is, tell me why, and back up your claim with evidence and facts.

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Since I main Aganos, I want to weigh in on the discussion regarding him.

While his peacekeeper is hard to get out of instinct, it’s not outright impossible. You just need to “fake out” your opponent. Get in the habit of doing something over and over again at a certain point during the fight, and then when they least expect it, put a wall up behind you and when you find the time, grab it. It’s simply a matter of finding the time to use your resource and choosing to use it. Granted this may be difficult if you’re facing an aggressive opponent (such as Riptor) that can take away chunks, but that’s why Aganos has so many great moves that cause hard-knockdowns or push the opponent away.

One thing I like to do a lot of lately is to end combos with s.payload assault. If you do it right after an AD, it’ll hit and creates a setup where you have enough time to chunk up, put up a wall, and then wall-crash your opponent with ruin or s.ruin for massive damage. The best part is that it’s relatively easy to do and you can modify it so that instead of doing the wall-crash, you put the wall behind you instead of your opponent and pick it up to get a peacekeeper in your hand. Even if the opponent blocks the s.payload assault, you’ll still have time to do most of these steps towards getting the peacekeeper. Thankfully shadow meter is relatively easy to get so all you really need to do is start a combo. There are other ways to get a peascekeeper, of course, but I figured this way would be the most fun for you guys to try. :wink:

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The answer to this question, for any interested parties, is “always”.

It is always not a true block string. There is always a (pretty big) gap. You can mash jab between any trailblazer followup if you block the one before it. Cinder has no way to do something that hits you if you mash jab; this is especially true of grounded MK trailblazer.


Exactly. After the first hit on block you can mash DP or anything really to hit him out of it. It was just a general fact to prove the fact that I do indeed lab against characters contrary to TexAce’ statement.

Yeah, just providing extra info to anyone who is curious.

As an aside, I actually think Cinder will need some adjustment here. I think one of his afterburner options (maybe up-forward?) should come out fast enough to catch people mashing buttons, but the others (down-forward, away, do nothing) should be punishable by mash jab. Otherwise I think, long term, it will be too easy to stop Cinder’s offense.

The reason I choose up-forward as the one that catches mashers is because if you do block, you can punish Cinder after up-forward afterburner on the way down (he can try to press an air normal but you’ll hit him). So, you can situationally punish up-forward with proper patience. If you made the down-forward one the one that catches mashers, you can only shadow counter that one, so there’d probably be very little reason to ever NOT use that one.

Swordsman tells me that up-forward afterburner whiffs on some crouching characters, though… that would have to be changed along with my suggestion, otherwise it doesn’t help him at all.


As an aganos player I agree that he is a good zoner but not every character you want to try to zone out. I.e. jago tj or kan ra a character you want to hound and be aggressive against since they really cant deal with it. Jago and ra in particular have incredibly difficult times dealing with aganos in the corner
On the flipside characters like wulf or orchid can’t deal with his zoning.

Now onto the mus you mentioned. Against sadira the jumping hp is a good move against her. Maybe adjusting the hitbox on his uppercut so she can’t just leap over it in the corner might also be useful as that’s the only time i really find any trouble against sadira. Maya I haven’t played the fight enough to really comment though outside of diamond i haven’t struggled too hard against good Mayas

Also when it comes to omen i could see them adjusting his light orda shield which might seem small but would help the character big time

I wouldnt say that you dont lab or anything, i think you do and your success in major tournaments kinda speaks for itself. I think you ar bias though, not only in this thread but others I’ve seen from you. You said that Maya is a strong character with some weaknesses which is true but every character has them but it seems to me that you want them to make her almost completely without weaknesses. I’ve seen threads from you asking for a better dp and for a better shadow counter. You said she can be abused on wake up but every character that doesn’t have a dp can be abused much more than Maya, I know Maya dp isn’t the best o wake up but its for sure better than anything that riptor, sadira sabrewulf and others have when they are without meter.

Maya is different because the only thing that makes her good is the dagger meter system. If that didn’t exist she theoretically would be the worst character in the game. She has the lowest damage, slowest autos and linkers, slowest overhead, non-invincible wake-up, worst shadow counter, and loses 50% of her move-set without a dagger. All that is left is good normals and a super jump. The reason why she suffers in all the other areas is to balance the design of the dagger meter system.

Honestly the only thing I want changed for Maya is the dagger meter system to be removed and replaced with an actual damage ender and give her a reasonable shadow counter. All the other areas she suffers in can stay the way they are. The daggers should be amazing pressure tools that force her opponent into getting opened up and not something my opponent should be punished for blocking against.

The argument for not removing the meter system of the daggers is that Maya would lose her uniqueness and to that I say she would still feel special. There are other ways to keep the daggers unique aside from building pips which have special properties most of which are ignored anyways until level 4.

These are just my opinions and IG will obviously have their own on Maya as well. If I was being bias I would ask for all the areas I just mentioned to be better but I didn’t.

While they’re removing systems, as a Fulgore main I’d love a normal shadow meter. I mean I don’t get any meter without being on offense and ultimately baiting a lockout so I can get some auto-triples off. And even then it’s slower than the regular shadow meter. I’d love to be able to shadow counter earlier in my matches.

I’m sure Omen mains would love to do some real damage over having 3 shadow meters.

I’m not being realistic here. Don’t change, Omen, Maya or Fulgore. Maybe tweak their systems a little but keep them, they are what make KI and it’s respective characters unique.