Community Survey POLL NUMBERS šŸ’Ÿ

I can get behind this idea.

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yeah. besides bloodbourne is sony i think. a bloodbourne type guy would be hype

I would like to see more stage ultras & ultimates for every character please :slight_smile:

Also i would like to see more single player modes such as a classic arcade mode,

It would be cool to see a tag team mode and a tournament mode!

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Bloodborne is all based of Cthulhu mythos. Call him what you wantā€¦but the creator of Bloodborne says it himself. Blood borne hunter is not Van Helsing at all! Dont insult Bloodborne like that!

not so sure whats happening at the survey backstage. Im telling this based at this @WandaMaximoff 's poll. Whatever would be a shame if ultimates receive low votes at the real poll. The old argument of some folks who say ultimates are just a nostalgic feature are very weak when they belong to a utter nostalgic game. KI deserve its finishers. Decent finishers like shagosā€™s ultimate and quite better finishers.


the first half of bloodbourne is easily van helsing like. a dude with a variety of intricate weapons hunting beasts that have taken over the city and the minds of the people. that would definitly be one hell of a van helsing movie.

the lovecraftian side definetly comes through at the latter part of the game though like traversing a nightmare, the pale moon and fighting the ancient ones.

i mean the look of the main character himself. the game has a mix of all of those things. gothic horror, Cthulhu, D&D, dark souls, etc

They have to be done WELL and not like what MK puts out on itā€™s fatalities. Or else IG will probably get backlash in ā€œwhy bother putting them if they suck?ā€

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To be honest, I think MKX has way better stage finishers than KI does.


Thatā€™s up for debate. I donā€™t know about you but throwing old ladies into your opponent and they explode is more funny then anything but dumb stillā€¦

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id say in the 90s KIs were much better. they were more personally animated and some had multi screens and effects.

but todays KI stage enders are pretty average. They lack that special perspective or different angleā€¦ its all very flat i think they could do with some atmospheric camera work

Airas is the worst for meā€¦ but Hisakos is also pretty badā€¦ and that slap at the end LOL no!

I have to say if ultimates are going to be like this im not interestedā€¦ Even Shadow Jagos Ultimate now with the black background is pretty lame! DH did a better job by factoring in the backgroundā€¦ Yes i know it was only made to work on Jagos stage but it still look much more impressive!


Seeing the sky and the stage makes the move feel real and epic! Blacking it out makes the Scale / Hight / Movement and Speed of the move dissipate because its moving in nothingā€¦ its like how high does something look if you dont have a back drop to compare it against.



Oh, I didnā€™t mean the stage brutalities, I meant the stage fatalitiesā€¦ the cinematic ones:


Totally agreed. Somehow stage enders have awful camera work, while intros and outros usually look great. Whatā€™s even worse is that theyā€™ve used better camera angles for stage finishers on trailers, dunno why the hell they havenā€™t done the same in-game:

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@TempusChaoti we need to get to this level on camera for the ultimates PLEASE! just that little bounce on the rodeo run in gears of war MADE that move feel so epic. show us some love!


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Ya the portal stage ultra is terrible. Itā€™s like heā€™s floating sideways it looks pretty terrible.

Wellā€¦people wanted stage ultras back. This is what they got. Iā€™m content with what we have. But Iā€™d rather them focus on other aspects of KI inside.

your of course TOTALLY right!

If MS and IG put there hand on their heart and say our stage enders are as good as out character design and combat system then im happy.

if they cant do that then ill take something they can do ā€˜as good as thisā€™

So if they turn out poor, whatā€™s gona happen? People are gona complainā€¦till itā€™s fixed or they want something better. IG doesnā€™t need that right now.

Then youā€™ll have people say ā€œWell itā€™s just a MK rip-off now, GJ IG way to make something soooo original.ā€ I donā€™t wanna hear that crap. Not now not ever.

Let KI be itā€™s own thing. KI has itā€™s characters, itā€™s ultra combos and of course itā€™s combo breakers. Thatā€™s KI meat and potatoes. Like it always has been. And IG hasnā€™t failed in that department.


I like the idea of ultimates quite a bit, but I donā€™t like a) how time consuming they will be to create, for something that is basically just another ultra (ie, something we will get tired of seeing after a while) and b) the fact that they will probably have to darken the stage for all of them, which takes away quite a bit from the excitement. The community really, really wants them, but Iā€™m not sure if IG is going to be able to deliver the type of ultimates that the fans want. :\

And my opinion on no mercies is still the same, Iā€™m personally not a fan and would dislike seeing them in the game. Iā€™m much more inclined to cinematic/comic book style supers (like Marvel vs Capcom level 3s, or Shagoā€™s ultimate) than I am to finishers that imply gore/blood/death. One of the reasons I picked up KI was because it had none of that type of stuff in it, so from my point of view itā€™d be a big negative to see it in the game. But thatā€™s just my personal preference.

The main feedback I gave to the team during my survey:

  • Shadow labs needs to be better. The mode is amazing but extremely underdeveloped right now; I would love to use it as a learning tool for matchups. That is, I take a character Iā€™m trying to learn (but donā€™t want to go online and embarrass myself just yet), and can play against any arbitrary shadow of my choice, for as long as I want. I donā€™t care about saving shadow stats, overwriting one of my actual shadow slots, or earning shadow currencyā€¦ just let me learn the matchup as if I was playing VS mode. Once I decide on actually learning a character for real, then Iā€™ll make a shadow slot for them and do all the stat saving stuff, but donā€™t block us from experimenting (and donā€™t force us to MAKE a shadow to test out a character; more shadow slots would be nice but is not the sole answer here). Put in an arcade mode (which has a different tone than survival) where you fight 8-10 random shadows of increasing difficulty, pulled randomly from online.

  • The window dressing of this game needs to be better. Nostalgia is a powerful drug, and fighting gamers love their announcers; make announcer DLC packs with classic FG announcers and maybe famous voices from other games (the Halo multiplayer announcer, eg). If it was possible to sell out of stock for a digital item, I think you would for these items. Revamp the color system to give us n colors for every accessory, where n is the number of colors for the character. Let us customize inventory slots so we can choose, sayā€¦ color 7 Jago with color 5 arms, color 6 body, and color ā€œdefaultā€ legs (7 in this case, thought it would change as you changed Jagoā€™s base color). Then, with this system in place, sell color packs (for a reasonable price). If you need to recode the accessory system to do it, I think the budget is well spent to do that because the return can be as big as they want.

  • My personal preference for characters in a potential S4 is grotesque/horror characters in a very distant last place (nobody is surprised by now Iā€™m sure). I would prefer more ā€œrealisticā€ SF-style stereotypes (ninjas, spies, etc), or fantasy/sci-fi tropes.


I used to be a big supporter of ultimates, but after some time went on I thought to myself: are they REALLY worth it? I mean it honestly baffles me to this day why some people think that ultimates (another finisher that works the same way as ultras) should be considered just as top priority as things like improved shadow lab, characters, costumes, etc. And even then, some people have such high expectations despite thereā€™s still a chance it might not be up to said expectations which will lead disastrous backlash. TBH I feel that ultimates are going to one of those things that people get super hyped over at the beginning and then, a few months later, going right back to ultras ā†’ ender.

Now Iā€™m not saying Iā€™m fully against them. If they can do it then fine by all means go ahead (well as long as theyā€™re not all super bloody and gory). I just donā€™t feel that they will be so worth it in the long run to warrant being top priority.

Ninjas 4 life!