Color 10 Jago!

Looks pretty cool, and I’m glad it’s not annoyingly flashy. Even though Jago is one of the characters I enjoy playing the most I don’t think I’ll be getting his figure since I already have the Shadow Jago one.

I don’t know about this one. The could’ve given Jago’s Color 10 slot a different Dragon Ball Z inspired color scheme, like Broly for example.

As matter of fact they could’ve done this for Shadow Jago’s Color 8 slot instead.

I like it. Not too overbaring and Glowstick like, like Shadow Jago, but enough to let you know:

This is my Color 10. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
My Color 10 is my best friend. It is my life. I must flaunt it as I must master my Jago.
Without me, my Color 10 is useless. Without my Color 10, I am saddened.

Idk XD

Regarding Color 10 for Jago, it’s nice.

But regarding color 10 concept in general, I’m disappointed.

The concept of color 10, I don’t agree with whatsoever, that’d be in any game. There should be no content locked behind an item purchase. There has to be a way to unlock it whether in game through grinding (make it 10 lvl grind if you want to) or at the very limit , a micro transaction (not a fan) but I’ll make do.

Forcing me to buy a 150$ toy to get an “exclusive color” is very sad and poor judgement. I don’t believe anyone in their right mind is going to buy the toy just for the color. Whoever buys it, it’s because they want the toy and the color is a bonus.

It’s extremely annoying to know there’s something in this game locked behind a 150$ purchase of a toy and there’s no other way to access it.

Before you go all up in arms about, if you can’t afford it, it’s your problem, just note I can buy this toy without batting an eyelid, I’m just against the concept itself. That’s not fan service, they talk about how much they love the community, this shows otherwise, this is pure fan disservice IMO, they like our money, that’s all.

I have no problem paying for the color (of course I’d rather not have to) but I also understand that creating extra content takes time and money.

I’m still waiting for S3 to see if they’ll add extra brand new costumes, I have reason to believe they will, but if they don’t, then IMO the exclusive skin that comes with these toys should be more than just a new color swap, should be a full fledged new outfit.

Sure it’s a business at the end of the day, but there are ways to do good business and make money and ways to do bad business and make money, this example is the is the latter.


Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh there goes my wallet.

I don’t get what some people are saying about there shouldn’t be an exclusive in game colour attached to a figure. In my opinion people are looking at it wrong.

It’s not a case of I want the colour so I have to buy the figure. It’s a case of, I really want that figure and oh look there is a nice little in game bonus with it.

You shouldn’t ever want a colour that much to spend money or a significant amount of money on it, it’s just another colour. But if you are planning on getting the figure, it’s a nice added bonus to show in game that you bought the figure. I do not for the life of me see what is wrong with this concept.

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I’m intrigued by the whole color 10 idea. Very smart. You have to show unique commitment to a specific character get one. Displaying it in game is almost like having the players advertise. It’s not a game changer so it’s not a must-have, but it can’t be earned in-game.

Well played…

It’s very nice. And the figure that comes with it Lights up Dynamically to what you do in-game! :smiley:

Yea super saiyan jago. Color 10 should have blond hair


is what I am asking as well

I’m just adding the suggestion of more incentive, say a newly designed skin as opposed to just a Pantone selection