Cheating to Win?

You know what, a friend of mine who got 5 stars (he was really commited,lol) was asked by another guy to let him win to get to top32. But the expression he used was so weird…“for the love of the art please let me win”.
Something like that. He really wanted the star. Oh! He also tried to do it again for his second star. People…

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At this point, I just think of the funniest, legitimate reason anyome lagged during a match and move on. I’m in a unique position where, because of the distance from tbe general playing population and poor ISP network, I’m usually accused of doing that sort of thing to win. And I never do, I have never caused anything disadvantageous in a game in my life unless I was with friends playing on the couch or the bed because then it was fun. Still, I get messages because my connection, which was fine for the last match, suddenly goes nuts and acts up for the next one. That brings out my empathy for these other folks, maybe they have a really good reason too, maybe they know but they just wamt to play against other people because they like the game. I’m not saying its always this way, there are definitely people who cheat to win. But spending too much time worrying about that takes time away from your own life, for something that has no bearing on your actual life unless you’re a tournament player.
Just do Exhibition sets with friends when you get ticked off, I’ve had the most fun playing in lobbies and (even the mute) Exhibition sets with forum members, its kept me playing and wanting to be better. I dunno. I just want people to keep playing.


not only cheat to win, but Tbag you when they win. lame

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I’ve also ran into some thing that I thought was a random occurrence at first but it’s been three different players and this happens every time we match- if you don’t mute them when they begin to lose their is a extremely loud, dissonant screeching sound like someone put a mic up to a train trying to screech to a halt on the tracks.

Another version I’ve ran into is the sound of extremely loud birds chirping, overlapping, one another to the point that I had to scramble to find a remote to mute the match and ended up losing.

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