Can we know if Eyedol is in Season 3 or not?

Well, either way, some of us made it our goal to have everyone from KI-1 and KI-2 make a return. If there is an Eyedol fan out there we would want to fulfill their wish to :slight_smile:


man this thread has just gotten all to weird town.

agreed. Personally I don’t think there’s any good reason to not have Eyedol in KI. Because of alot of what was flawed about him could be changed in the new KI. Plain and simple.

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Kim is probably one of the most generic character designs of all time, truly bland and uninspired yet the devs took her crappy forgettable KI2 incarnation and brought it back because she had fans. Eyedol has at least as many, if not more fans than Kim had at the time and its only fair that everyone gets the chance to shine in the new KI with their favorite character.


Seriously why else would Gargos come in the middle of the season ??? With the boss of the game coming in the middle of the season instead of being the final character, it really leads one to believe that they have something HUGE in store for the final character. I’m defintely putting my money on eyedol.

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This post should tell you why:

Gargos not being the last character is not an indicator that Eyedol is gonna be the last character.

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Oh ok that makes sense. I never really thought of it that way. Regardless, In my opinion I still think they’ll bring eyedol in as the last character. That would make season 3 have a lot of big characters though, including number 7, so idk.

I feel like we’ve gotten to a point now where a lot of people would be upset if Eyedol isn’t in the game. We have literally every other character from the old games, some of which (Kim Wu, Gargos) have been massively redesigned to make them interesting.

If you don’t have Eyedol it’s going to be a really weird way to end the season. Especially considering we’ll be getting no teases for the last character and the Devs are going out their way to keep the character a mystery. A new character we’ve never heard of would be incredibly anti-climatic. Eyedol however, now that would be an announcement.


the fact we are still discussing IF eyedol will be, it’s really no good. eyedol MUST be, like all the others, no discussions, we should talk about possible new chars, stages or expansions after season 3, or about a season 4, it’s foolish still talking about “eyedol yes, eyedol no”, would we continue till july? devs must give a final word on this question.
ah, I’ve read something like: “gargos was known would be in, cause he was mentioned before, eyedol won’t be in, cause he wasn’t mentioned”… really? and WHO was mentioned, instead? who will be the final char that has already been mentioned? whoever he will be, he wasn’t mentioned till now, so he can be anyone. if not, please draft a list on who he can be and when he was mentioned.

The Babylonian King?

Maybe Eyedol is the Babylonian King :open_mouth:

Lol I think someone else did say that earlier

Didn’t they refer to Gargos’ minions as Shadow Lords during the steam? So we already have multiple lords in the game.

“Shadow Lord’s minions” the minions are from planet Gargos has invaded.

However Shadow Lord is not a title given but rather a type of life form. I think Shadow Lords are born of astral energy.

Plot twist: shadow lords uses our recorded shadows, so everybody is a shadow lord

but try google images to see what is a babylonian king… he may be some kind of witcher. ok, it can be cool, I admit, in the past I requested some Eternal Champions Xavier Pendragon like char, but leaving eyedol out would be incomprehensible. and we already have kan-ra, btw.

The only thing that can top an Astral Invasion of the Shadow Lord Gargos is another Shadow Lord coming to our World, causing a Demon war between the minions of Gargos and Eyedol fighting for control of Earth. Our Realms warriors caught in the middle of a war between two Dark Gods.

Season 4’s theme is straight Apocalyptic with entire cities being destroyed, maps being redrawn. An epic battle between God vs Man, Man vs Man, Man vs Beast, Beast vs Beast, and God vs God.


The second you said ‘realm Warriors’ I immediately thought ‘huh how could Gargos invade without first winning 10 Mortal Kombat tournaments?’ xD lol


Here is the same image but better:


Awsome!! :ok_hand:

If you mean a brainwashed version or controlled version of Orchid, I think it would make more sense if it were TJ Combo, as they may reinstalled his implants if they captured him, and brainwash him. But that just what I think if were stinking with story-line possibilities.

I just said it for laughs honestly. I hope there isn’t such a person.

It’d be like “I want a shadow fulgore!!!”