Can Glacius speak?

Wonder if Glacius would speak human language. If not… perhaps he’ll speak human language telepathically.

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Ala Martian Manhunter? Guess that would be pretty cool

Well, he simply exert sounds (pun intended), but where from? He doesn’t have a mouth, from what we can tell. He kinda needs a mouth of some sort to form human words with.

I do like the thought of him being able to communicate telepathically, or maybe he has an alien gadget of some sort that he can transfer his thoughts into, then translate and talk on his behalf.


He communicates with ISL, Intergalactic Sign Language.


I do like the thought of him being able to communicate telepathically, or maybe he has an alien gadget of some sort that he can transfer his thoughts into, then translate and talk on his behalf.

These are both fine ideas.

In the comics he could speak english, though no explanation was given for it. I always imagined that in this iteration, if he could speak, it would be via vocal cords in the pit of his throat, and his voice would climb from his gills, with his operculum maybe functioning as crude lips to aid in pronunciation. But given his species’ array of otherworldly, metaphysical abilities and their advanced technology, telepathy or gadgetry to aid him in his communication is probably just as likely!





Ooooooooo!!! (death rattle)

Quoiiiii (win vox)