Buying KI Pack from PC ingame store ---- A fix for new players

I initially stated my problem on this thread here : Error trying to buy from the KI Store PC

Ok so to clarify for everyone, i use W10 pro 64, i updated to it from W7 64, i never encountered any kind of error before and always updated everything perfectly.

When i created my microsoft account i used a gmail account i have for gaming, i tried several steps from microsoft support from typing scripts to reseting store and nothing worked.

A tech savy friend of mine, told me that gmail accs used to have major issues when buying stuff from xbox live back in the 360 days, and it could be something similar.

I created a new outlook email account, created a whole new microsoft account and live based of that email. I then created a new user for my pc, and w10 created a partition for said new user with outlook email acc.

On that new profile, i could buy stuff from the store, but if i used the outlook email on my w7 ->> w10 updated partition it would bug out and give me the same error.

Im assuming this change from W7 to 10 fked up the store for me, since i didnt do a clean install, but if you do the steps i did, you`ll be able to buy stuff from a second profile, then swap it on ur main profile.


If you don’t own any live/microsoft store account that u spent a lot of cash you can do what i did to fix the buying issue creating a new acc using an outlook email and creating a new user acc for your pc temporarily.

Step 1: You need to create a new user acc for windows, considering your current email is gmail be sure to have a dummy microsoft acc email saved on ur pc as your main acc for this method to work.

Step 2: alt + r then type control userpasswords2

Step 3: Add a new user on that screen

Step 4: Hit task manager and swap users

Step 5: Create an outlook email microsoft acc just to be safe

Step 6: After updating with the info you gonna use and a new xboxlive acc buy the bundle

Step 7: Make sure everything unlocked in the game and get out of it

Step 8: Hit Task Manager and swap users

Step 9: On your old user acc, go to config and choose Enter with a Local Acc

Step 10: Create any local acc name ( dont need to use a password, just leave the area blank) and enter that local acc.

Step 11: When inside the local acc remove whichever microsoft acc is at ( the one u didn’t use outlook to buy the game at)

Step 12: Hit Alt +R and type in control passwords2, there remove the user account you created to buy the game ( ur second profile)

Step 13: Now at accounts config, choose to enter this computer with a microsoft acc, enter KI with the outlook acc you bought and voilá you can play the game!

Edit: This method is aimed at the people that have a lot of stuff they don’t want removed when creating a new user acc for windows, if you don’t give a ■■■■ for the stuff you have on ur current profile, you can just skip some steps and create a whole new profile to buy the game there with a new live acc and be happy.

It doesnt work for me. im tired of trying different things.