Blood vampirism

I’ll keep an eye out then.

Did the entire Eyedol questline, recruited him, played as him in the mode and even beat Gargos with him, and no Titan’s Vengeance. Made him a captain and can’t find any quest specific to him popping up either.

Should be the furthest bottom-right dossier.

Yep, just got Blood Vampirism.

They must have fixed it last week or yesterday or something.

Fight any mission where a Mimic has Vampirism, and hope for the best.

Titan’s Vengeance is the only glitched one then. Hopefully 3.6 fixes it.

I actually managed to get Blood Vampirism as well today. I just deployed on a mission and POP there it is

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How to unlock The Umbral Militia lll Dossier??? And with what characters did you play?