Beat Gargos as Gargos and did not unlock cutscene

I was rushing through getting all the buffs down on normal just to see the cutscene. I put my Gargos 2nd on my team and my last guy was the one to win the fight. Does my Gargos have to be alive to get it? He was the captan so I don’t really know.

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Pretty sure Gargos has to be the captain and be the one who actually wins the fight


Thats kind of anoying. All it said was beat Shadow Lords with Gargos. I’ll have to try that tomorow.

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I’m not sure if Gargos must be the captain, during the beta the only thing you needed to do was to beat Gargos with Gargos (no matter if he’s the captain or not), I guess I’ll try it later (even if I already have the cutscene unlocked thanks to the early access).

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I can’t confirm either as to which unlocks his cutscene but I had Gargos as my captain, and fought as Gargos.

I just beat Gargos with Gargos and got the cutscene. I can confirm that Gargos does NOT have to be the captan.


Yeah. You gotta win the fight with Gargos. That’s how I got it.