ARIA announcer

That’s funny, Cause I haven’t been playing KI at all compared to everyone else.

I just don’t think they took the right direction with the Aria announcer, the way they implemented her just doesn’t fit the KI announcer “Style”. When they first announced that they would be doing a female announcer I was hoping it to be more in line with the sample below.

Perhaps tone down the orgasmic over-dramatization a little bit but overall this is what they should of gone for, it’s really the only way to do it in the KI style. My feedback/suggestion to them is that if they want to keep the ARIA announcer just make it so she calls out win streaks or other things like that in the menus like they do in SFV, and replace her in-game announcements with a new female alternative like the samples in the video above.

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While I’m not a huge fan of the Aria announcer, I think what they were going for was a less screamy announcer to balance the options of announcers out. It’s nice to still get audio queues of information but sometimes hearing the mike and chris screaming gets old or grating.

I played this out loud by accident in my University’s Library by accident. I think I’m in trouble. I’m making a run for it XD


I gotta say…that UT female announcer…um…that was kinda gross…like not sexy at all. It sounded like she was trying to announce the game while passing a kidney stone.

Honestly though I don’t care much for lady Soundwave (Aria) either. They really need a female voice that sounds just as energetic & brutal as the other voices…someone that yells ULTRAAAAAAAA COMBOOOOOOO!!! just as well as the guys.


Hisako would have been a better choice as a female announcer IMO.

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lol, I was thinking something more bad ■■■. That was a little too distracting to be honest.

I get that she’s a robot, but her synthesized voice sounds like a whisper and I respect the fact that she is an A.I., but plenty of robots in other games and film had more human-sounding voices.

Chris, the old announcer from the original two KI games, and Mike, the new guy, sound WAY more hyped. I have no idea what was on Mike’s mind as he recorded his session, but he was EXACTLY the right fit for the nature and way to play this game! I’ve said this countless times, but an important factor in why K.I. draws you in to play is, in large part, due to the soundtrack from Mick Gordon and Mike’s awesome delivery as the announcer for this new rebirth of the game. ARIA can be just as good as the other two, so there should be no way that the old announcers outclass the new one. She should be on par with both of them.

‘While passing a kidney stone’ lmao

@CausingThought6 @Aerisffvii

Hi there! Have two players that bought the supreme edition and don’t have the Aria announcer. How do you unlocked it? I don’t understand how you made it.

I’m asking so I can tell them.

I believe you have to get your level to 25.

Wait KP is still around??? Where do you even spend it?
I would have assumed you would get her from player level up or something.

What’s KP?

Killer points (aka) in game currency.

The aria announcer is actually my favorite one in terms style, but i can’t use it because it’s impractical for matches. She’s more of a “serious tone” barely audible whisper AND is slower than the other two, so it makes audio cues unreliable, especially when your opponent is breaking your shadow stuff.

@crazyLCD OOO, post one more I’m almost there

Edit: lol nvm… Kinda looks like he’s already there

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