Arbiter = corny

Freddy and Jason are corny lol in horror terms… I just think you don’t like Halo lol

I honestly just ignore a goodly chunk of these kinds of threads - as you say, they can be quite numerous at times and seldom add anything of value to anyone. For what it’s worth, these types of nonsense threads tend to fall pretty quickly by the wayside once there’s actual new gameplay content to dissect. Welcome to the forums all the same. :slightly_smiling:

With regards to OP, while I also have fond memories of playing Unreal Tournament in college dorms, I also have fond memories of Halo LAN parties in college, and later on of Halo tournaments at college. A compelling argument could be made that the Quake and Unreal games are actually quite a bit less sophisticated than Halo, which actually had a storyline and real characters and didn’t rely on repeatedly blowing nameless hordes into bloody chunks.

And I’m actually amused at the epithet of “Doom clone” being tossed Halo’s way. Aside from the color green and the generic profession of “space marine” (which predates Doom by quite a bit for the record), the two games and characters are quite different. Halo was one of the first games that truly broke the “Doom clone” mold of how a FPS should be played. You’re entitled to dislike those changes or the package that they arrived in I suppose, but the argument that Doom or its characters would somehow command “more respect” is, not to put too fine a point on it, stupid.

Halo is far more influential in the evolution of modern shooters than Doom, and vastly more successful as a franchise. Your personal feelings about the universe notwithstanding, the argument you’re trying to make is terrible. Stay salty though :+1:


It’s 1 thing to offer your opinion, even if it’s a criticism of the game, but to just outright attack the game that the fans on this forum obviously love and put a lot of time into with no real logical reason other than “just 'cause” is ridiculous. Even worse then that, you even go out of your way to insult a regular to these forums for something else that he appreciates that has nothing to do with this game, or anything else on this site.

You need to learn how to offer constructive criticism rather than just being mean and outright negative. For example, tell us that you don’t like it, a logical well-thought out reason why you don’t like it, and how you might’ve done things differently if you could’ve.

There’s an old saying I’d like you to remember if you can’t use constructive criticism: if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.

If you can’t do either of those and continue to offer up negativity or insult other members of our community, rest assured, you WILL be reported for it, if not by me, then certainly by somebody else. Consider this a friendly reminder.

Have a nice day! :slight_smile:


Dat NaCl tho. The Mods usually close stuff like this right?

I never insulted anyone, but I see lots of insults being directed at me, putting words into my mouth, and making unfair assumptions. I knew this was going to happen if I expressed any kind of negativity. It’s unfortunate because I love ki as much as anyone else, I ised to play in real arcades in the 90s. Gaming culture has changed a lot (lol)

@DANK2theNUGZ never said anything you wrote here, and has done nothing to warrant a ban.

Direct insult, rude remark, and gross generalization.

Also, 25 post’s excluding this one and not one of them resembles the type of statements you made. Maybe one person speaking out of frustration about complaining, yeah, but that is by no means “a lot”. One post was made out of frustration because you intentionally antagonized him so there’s that.

I don’t actually see people putting words in your mouth, I see a majority of members defending the idea of Arbiter being in the game whilst arguing your point. A majority of which make assumptions based on what you stated which you can’t be surprised about by the way you structured your opinion. Yeah, change certainly comes after 26 years.

At first I thought this would be constructive, but it’s not. It’s just a rant to rile people up, so to OT it goes.

Hey OP, you do realize that saying things like (emphasis added by me):

Can be taken as pure troll bait, right? Throwing the word “kid” around doesn’t make you an adult, it really does the opposite. You come across as petty and arrogant. While I’m assuming that you’re just trying to establish yourself as the next great community troll (fair warning: we just banned the last one permanently, and our tolerance for them is dwindling), I’d suggest you express your opinions with a bit more thought to the forum members around you. Don’t like Arbiter? That’s fine. Intentionally using language to troll with? Not fine.

Criticism = OK!
Constructive criticism = Great!
Rants = not good!
Trolling = not tolerated!