Analyzing YOU, the player

I’m more attuned to hisako than I am fulgore. Again, because of eexecution. I can focus my attention on tormenting the opponents completely whereas with fulgore I got an itch wondering if my dp will work, or if I’ll drop manuals. Hisako allows me to go full throttle. It’s not hard to break someone’s spirit with her either, she can literally fill up the entire arena with presence alone with the right user

Yeah, maybe that’s the case lol

I have an unwillingness to adapt to things that shouldn’t work. I’ll be like “oh, you’re not gonna full screen heavy windkick right now, it’d be a pretty bad idea” and then i eat a full screen heavy windkick. “Oh, you’re not gonna do that again.” I eat another one. “Ok, surely he knows that it wouldn’t work a third time” i eat another one -.-


Lol. That’s how I feel when people wake up with non-invincible specials and I keep blowing the meaty. “Stop waking u-MOTHERF…”


If i ever see you in ranked, guess i’ll just wake up with my most unsafe special, hit it, and feel assured my ears are burning for a good reason…

I didn’t know you felt that way… :joy:

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Defense is my worse weakness. While it is better now than it was, I tend to fall apart under pressure. I tend to lose my cool and then do really risky stupid moves or keep falling for the same shenanigans the other player has been using since the beginning of the match.

Anyone who has ever played against me knows that I tend to overwhelm you with all of my jump ins and hard to break combos, however if you get me cornered, I tend to react too slow and thus my defense falls apart pretty quick. This is why I can readily lose badly against Hisako players or to any player with great defense.

“will you stop backdashing already?”

I’ve been doing that less, believe it or not. lol

At least you back dash, I never do lol. Every time I try it i get my ■■■$ beat haha

As an Aganos player, that is rarely an option for me.

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