What would you think about this option in KI or any other fighting games?
Personally I think it would be pretty cool.
If you are thirsty of knowledge again specific matchups, you can set to get matched with particular character.
Scrubs who dont want to learn won’t die from salt overdose cause they can filter out characters that they consider cheap.
Everyone is happy.
What are yout thoughts?
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That’s what practice mode is for.
Also filtering out characters will NEVER make you good in Killer Instinct. Take the L and learn from it.
Sorry not sorry, your suggestion is terrible lmao.
Trying to avoid Glacius are we? 
I would actually set to only be matched against him until I figure him out. I hate when I get rekt by Glacius, and want to have my runback, but get matched with silver miras or whatever -.-
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You ever thought…I dunno, seems pretty crazy…you could just ask us for help?
Cause being frank I’m probably better than every Glacius who you normally run into on ranked.
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So, find a Glay player, challenge to a set in exhib. Prob solved
@SonicDolphin117 Even challenged you! Step up son! You gon learn today!