After 1 hit, how to guard?

new player here. how to cut enemy combo in multiplayer? cant do anything after 1st hit. help me!! =)

You can’t block after the first hit. But you can use a combo breaker. You try to match the strength of your opponents attack(light, medium or heavy) by hitting the two buttons of that strength simultaneously.

I would HIGHLY recommend going into the dojo and playing through the tutorial lessons found there in order to understand the game’s basic mechanics before trying to compete online.


The DOJO is a must for new players. Also check out and any youtube lesson character guide by SAJAM.


And I would second that suggestion. For your particular question, I would say take a look at the dojo lesson on combo breaking.

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ty for fast replays, and 1 more thing, where is all “lowbies”? i only get lv50 against me, and cant win for daily quest. :frowning:

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Go to the dojo first please.


KI doesn’t have a huge player base, and most of the people you are likely to run into have probably been playing for at least a little while at this point. You may be able to find some newer players by going into exhibition and restricting your search to Bronze level players though.

I would also recommend trying out the Shadows Lab. There you’re able to play AI based on human players. Those AI’s tend to be good practice for getting ready to play actual humans - they play more like actual people than the standard AI, and make some of the same mistakes that you’ll see against real people.


Change your search parameters. Many new players make the mistake of just hitting “search for opponent” with out taking the time to remove the higher ranked tiers.

If you are still qualifier then you should remove Bronze, sliver , Gold and Killer from your search parameter.

I’d actually recommend leaving the Bronze players in there. There’s a decent amount of killer Qualifiers out there, players who are actually really good, but for whatever reason have just avoided ranked. I feel like the Bronze player base is more “guaranteed” to be worse than the bulk of the KI population. I’ve been mauled by a decent number of Qualifiers over the years; can’t really say the same for Bronze.

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Killers can rank reset and go to qualifiers to destroy low level players. If you are new, do the 10 qualifier matches first. This will decide what rank you start in. Then in exhibition, set it to that rank only. Leave qualifiers out.

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ty this was really helpfull. =)

Hmmmm I smell something…

take a shower? :stuck_out_tongue: well, 1st 5 matches was against lv50, then the game told to me that i suck and better start at bronze. after that got lv14 bronze guy against me. this game feels pretty good!


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It was an example…he can do whatever…but a lot of people dont do anything but hit search. Thats hwy I asked several times fro them to change it to where it does it for you automatically and you add the extra tiers instead of removing them.

So annoying when you get a match and they leave because you are higher than them if they would just change the damn parameters.