Adios Killer Instinct Forums and cult! I'M DONE!



A reminder to anyone seeing this topic:

You can flag posts on this forum. Don’t feel obligated to respond, please. I’ve been trying to do this more with posts that obviously don’t warrant a response. Just flag and move on.


Competition is healthy. Not that bad.

It’s not for everyone. Injustice 2’s Sub Zero trailer didn’t impress me at all. Does that mean it’s a weak ■■■ trailer? I think not.


The soundtrack is probably one of the most memorable things of this game. Everyone has probably heard “The Instinct” one point in time or another.

They always talk to us. They gave us Ultimates for free. They try and fix glitches as fast as they can.

I think this is wrong information. It doesn’t sound right.

Maybe it’s not possible. We can wait a couple of weeks. 27th is super close.

You need to relax. It’s not that bad.

But if you feel like you don’t want to be here, you don’t have to. You aren’t obligated.

Also, can people stop calling us a Cult? Ad hominem attacks aren’t welcome here.


#That’s nice.

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Why is your comment being deleted?

I thought you left.

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So you’re a whining hypocrite and a liar… fair enough.


ermm…Killer Instinct is rated T.


You have no idea who I am or what I’ve been posting on this forum, do you?
You’re just throwing assumptions, and I’m just laughing at you for being this stupid.