One of the things I loved about boss shago’s ultimate that is missing from shago’s ultimate now is one simple thing. The removal of the KV meter and in game UI. It’s a small change however it’s absence gave the ultimate a cinematic flair and finality that just doesn’t feel as strong when numbers and the lifebars clutter the screen as well. It’s a small gripe but I don’t think such a change would be terribly difficult to implement and I’m positive I’m not the only one who thinks this would be a nice aesthetic change as well. let me know what you guys think of this suggestion and if it’s worth doing or not.
I just did.
I suppose so
If it’s cinematic in nature, stops the combo process, can’t be stopped or interrupted by you or the opponent, etc. - then yes, I think it’s a good idea overall because it really does add to the cinematic experience.
Just like boss shago’s. I could live without the background stage but the UI I feel needs to go when it happens. All other ambient sound was dead silent except for the death yell and the hits as well, which adds to the oh sh*t he killed him/her factor. I hope these changes are a possibility.
I can agree with this. It helps give the opponent a sense of game over if you will.
If they can some how hide the life bars and parts of the UI during Ultimates then I can get behind it!
Still we must question if IG will even follow through and give us Ultimates to start with.
I agree with this suggestion, you might as well hide the lifebars, combo count, and KV meter during the ultimate. It’s a little distracting while watching the the really cool Ultimate at work. If you’re talking about the non-ultimate version that’s his raging demon type grab, then I’d rather keep it on.
Only for the ultimate, for his annihilation move the lifebars are necessary to see the damage done by it if you ask me.
Yeah, we’re on the same page then.
I agree on the ultimate but I feel like it should also be like that for ultras AND stage ultras
Maybe stage ultras, but for regular ultras you need to be able to see things like shadow meter, instinct, etc. if you want to continue the ultra properly
Yes it’s definitely a good idea.
It doesn’t really bug me either way but I don’t see the harm.
Nah I don’t think there’s too many things we can do make Ultra Combos more appealing. might be nice though.
Same here.
After watching Jago’s ultimate it seems as though the change I suggested has been implemented. It looks fantastic
Which change?
The removal of the in game HUD, KV Meter health meter etc.