A Few Ranked Updates that Need to Happen

Hey team, I’m encountering a few Steam players that are cheating and have their names intentionally hidden. The ones I’ve encountered all desync the game all the while taunting and teabagging you at every chance they get. If you record the match, the player’s name is missing and the recorded data is completely screwy. It is possible to NOT allow somebody to play in Ranked if they don’t have their gamer tags visible?

Also, if you’re not going to allow us to block people in Ranked, please make it so that once you’ve fought somebody, they can’t rematch you until after a prolonged period of time. There are number of Target Farmers in the Top 32 and this really needs to stop. (three of which are Shaolin FX accounts). As I’ve stated in the DM chat, these individuals abuse Xbox Live to target players that they know that they can beat and continuously forces the game to pair them with the said player to farm for points.

If I’m not mistaken, in the settings, isn’t there an option to not cross platform with steam? I think you can still play with people on the Gamepass PC platform, but just block steam. I know it’s a not exactly fair to you, but perhaps at least a temporary workaround until an official response.

Sorry it’s happening though. I’m worried due to the age of the game, MS official support of the title may be limited at this point, so I don’t know how much anti-cheat help we can count on unless the game’s online just becomes completely unplayable. I know the guys overlooking KI have been much more diligent with these types of issues, but MS even refuses to fix a lot of the problems with a big title like the MCC, so I don’t hold much hope for them putting any resources to these older games.

Hope you been alright man, haven’t been posting much, but I do lurk and read responses from time to time.