3 new characters?! First up: Kilgore!

Like kilgore, what if the next 2 characters are hinted at in the novella?

They’re the same ones in KI:DE

Seems like a thread for a sequel.

Sounds like they’re just setting up Gargos to get demoted for later in the story, while opening the door for new characters who will gain their powers or awaken from his scattered energy.

Actually, I wonder where the KI world is going to go after SL. I mean you have to let at least 3 regions get totally overtaken by Gargos’s forces, so I imagine the state of the world is pretty dire by the time he’s taken down.

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Mira’s chubby friend
Kim Wu’s Nephew

My guess is probably Wendigo and Eagle.

Porfiry for the win


If a wendigo does come to KI I would imagine that it would be based off saberwulf except more skeletal and demonic like the cleric beast in Bloodborne.


nope we need old master in ki gold training session. a tecnical char expert in ancient martial arts, maybe the kim wu sensei. the game needs an old char, every fighting game brand has its own (one or more).


I’d LOVE to see the Kim wu sensei from ki2

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OH GAWD PLEASE I want this to be real, to rise from the shadowy depths of the sea! (not a leak) we already have other elemental based characters such as Glacious being ice, Cinder being fire, Kan-Ra being sand/earth. This one would obviously be water based! and looks menacing.


It could easily use Sabrewulf’s base model based upon its posture in the image too. :wink:

Give it some sort of Atlantean motiff (via outfits, accessories, colors, or skins) and I’d be down for this as a character. :slight_smile:

Also, @StrayDevilFox, Kan-Ra’s just sand, because Aganos is earth. :wink:


it’s a very good hybrid among swam thing, creature from the black lagoon and anything you can find underwater :grinning: . but that face… i prefer a shark one. and are missed some peculiarities from the kraken.

Well, it does have a fin, much like a shark, and those tendrils could easily become tentacles. :slight_smile:

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Eagle is the katana weilder from shadow lords

Hell yeah that thing looks awesome


Just my speculation

Why would Eagle, a Native American man, use a katana?


Because katanas are cool. :sunglasses:


But a native american wielding a japanese weapon?

Edit: Supposedly native americans came from asia a long time ago so maybe, just maybe.

Ancient humans making a trek across a land bridge in Siberia in a time before the written word (and thus millennia before the Japanese culture we know existed) does not equate to a Native American warrior trained wrestler picking up a mostly ceremonial Japanese weapon (there goes an old samurai saying, “The only good swordsman are those who couldn’t be a good archer”).

The Killer Instinct team has proven that being true to a character’s heritage (especially the Nez Perce characters) is very important to their design philosophy. We can expect Eagle to get the same amount of respect as Thunder in that regard.