1 Year worth of Patches Tallied

Yes, because the devs aren’t nerfing characters based solely on tournament results and data between the last patch and the current patch.

Like I said, I don’t need to think about it, that’s a very strong instinct on an already very strong character. If you actually listened to the many people that have been trying to help you, meter for Fulgore is a lot different than meter for other characters and getting it for free just by popping instinct was a bit too strong. It is a big change Fulgore players have to get used to, but maybe if you spent more time learning instead of complaining here on the forums and ignoring everyone trying to help you, then maybe you’d be adjusted by now.

Yes, I’m so ignorant. I think absolutely nothing about the change Fulgore received in that patch, it’s just a bunch of gibberish to me. Meanwhile, you’d rather ignore all the help many people here on the forums have tried to give you and adapt. The latest changes to Fulgore nerfs probably triggered you because you don’t like seeing your character get nerfed, same reason as lots of other people across several fighting games. That’s just how the human mind works, a profit only feels half as good as how bad a loss feels.

No, that’s what it’s like playing Fulgore for you because instead of improving you’d rather complain. I’m sorry, but you are obsessed with meter and maybe you need to adjust how you play Fulgore to get it rather than rely on popping instinct, because I’ve seen plenty of Fulgores that can get still get meter.

What SonicDolphin said.


How many patches forced you to relearn your character over and over again? It’s so damned easy to be on the other side of the fence here.

I’ve never once whined about nerfing other characters, I’ve never even asked for buffs. I’m literally just saying the nerfing has gone too far and your response is telling me to get better still after 2 redesigns and countless nerfs throughout the entirety of the game? Forget it, I’m sick of this crap. Btw thanks for the “don’t use as much meter” advice, I don’t know what I’d have ever done without your benevolence.

At this point I guess I give up, I don’t enjoy the game and I’m sick of the “stfu and get better” responses. I’ve been doing that for a long time and I no longer see the point. Fulgore will most likely be nerfed again soon.

I genuinely hope that, in the spirit of balance, everything you’ve ever enjoyed about your character gets removed so I, too, can tell you “oh you don’t like it? Get better or Quit.” And then claim that I helped.

It’s ok my dude. Try not to post frustrated or overthink things.

It’s just a game. Remember this, above all things. If you aren’t enjoying it, take a break and play something else for a bit. Stay positive :slight_smile: :thumbsup:

I guess as a Sidenote, I played a bit of Fulgore and hit the lab for a while with him.

This character has some nasty setups. He’s really fun. :smiley:

Like I said in a different post, you have to understand the reasoning behind it. WHY was it they nerfed it? Was it way too good? Was it to put more thought in a playstyle? Was it to work with an existing move for new combos and styles of play? Was it to work around an existing system for balance? Or, is there something more…? Something that could make the character better with a bit of lab time? :thinking:

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I was gonna try to type a helpful reply but I dunno man. I think you’re going too far, no matter how unhappy you are with the current state of the game.

If I can also use 1/4th of a meter to do some cool stuff and I get a movement buff once I reach one bar, then you have yourself a deal.


What on earth could possibly be helpful? I hate my character and everything I’ve learned over the past three years has changed more times than I can count. Further, no matter how many times he’s nerfed, people still cry about him because IG took literally everything from him except vortex, which is the one and ONLY thing he should’ve ever lost. This character is fucked.

So just out of pure morbid curiosity @Infilament, what could you possibly say that’s helpful now?

*incidentally they also gave him vortex, as he didn’t have it in s1…

Your pessimistic mindset is the only thing between you and having more success with your character.


How about relearning several characters because I don’t have a main? Sure, it sucks, but instead of constantly complaining, I’d rather be productive and adapt.

Yes, I’m telling you that you should adapt, or maybe try a different character. You have had several people here on the forums that also don’t fully agree with all the nerfs try to help you, and none of us are saying you have to like them, but you are still going to have to adapt to them. Unless you’re now breaking your streak of never asking for buffs, I don’t know what you want the devs to do about your constant complaining that Fulgore is somehow too weak now. Maybe Fulgore will get nerfed more in the next patch. Maybe he’ll get buffed. Maybe he won’t get touched at all because the devs feel he’s in a good place balance-wise now. Who knows.

Nowhere did I say that you shouldn’t use as much meter. I said that since you’re obsessed with meter, maybe you need to adjust so you can get meter without Fulgore’s instinct being your crutch to get meter.

Nobody is telling you to “stfu and get better” however all you’re doing is repeating the same complaints over and over despite arguments to the contrary from people that are only trying to help you adapt and improve. I’m feeling sorry for all the people that have spent so much of their time trying to help you if this is your attitude.

It’s okay, because like I said, I play several characters and have had to adapt to lots of changes over the years of playing this game, though I don’t play as much these days. Good job making yourself look bad though.

I’m beyond caring, from the very beginning, when I was being serious and respectful people flat out just scoffed that a fulgore would complain about nerfs. No one ever took me seriously when I calmly laid out my issues so why should I care now? You tell me to play around getting meter yet you apparently don’t realize that my opponent’s aggression also dictates my meter gain. It’s not really in my control.

But whatever, I’m wasting my time typing this because you don’t understand what I’m saying, nor will you spend even a minute contemplating where I’m coming from.

Yeah, that, along with about 20 or so nerfs.

Let’s put that to the test then, you use fulgore and I’ll aggressively play someone else.


Humbly submitted, there is just no possible way your interactions here are making you a happier person. I’m a big believer that free time should be spent doing things you actually, you know, enjoy. As Infil said, I think you’ve basically come to the point where you either learn another character, relearn Fulgore (again), or play a different game. I don’t know that there’s any more benefit to be had in the seemingly endless cycle of arguments you’ve been getting into lately. You don’t like Gore as of now, and that’s fine. But arguing the point ad infinitum just doesn’t seem like a good use of your time or energy.

For whatever it’s worth, I think you’re a good enough player by far that you could still excel with Fulgore. I’m terrible with him, and I’ve still found myself largely doing pretty well. I finally had a match last night where I felt really starved for meter for the first part of it. I finally successfully DP’d to get him off of me, blade dashed him on his wakeup (blocked), and then held pressure for a bit until I could throw him. That led into a non-energy system knockdown pressure situation, and by the end of it I had enough bar to do what I needed to do. Unless you are just getting 1000% rekted (where again, most characters won’t get meter), I still genuinely don’t believe that gaining bar is super difficult with the character. But you disagree with that, and that’s fine too.

End of the day the purpose of the game is to have fun. If Fulgore isn’t doing that for you, then play a different character. If KI isn’t doing that for you, then play a different game. I hope that you stay. But whatever you decide, I just don’t believe that arguing with all comers on the forums is worth the effort. It can’t possibly be making you any happier, and it’s probably not helping anyone else either.


Storm, I do appreciate the positivity from both you and ostrich, but I honestly don’t know what else to do right now. This has been the only game I’ve taken seriously since it released and fulgore’s been the only character I’ve truly cared about. After we played at CEO, frustrated as I already was, I actually wanted to legitimately try again. I thought maybe I could mitigate how much I hate his 3.7 changes, perhaps I really could use more normals to increase spin speed outside of combos…and then they dropped the 3.8 patch notes.

It’s way too disheartening to play a character who gets nerfed or changed in some way in almost every patch. I know I’m obviously mad but it’s for two reasons. First, I really want to still love the game and I don’t, and second, I truly don’t think that people who don’t use fulgore realize how bad he is against pressure and how little damage he does with zoning (granted I’m talking pure zoning, not zoning then going in). The character absolutely was top 3, but I think most people think of him how he was, not where he is now, and would never take any balance criticism from a fulgore player seriously even if he was calm.

And @SonicDolphin117, what difference does it make? I don’t play anyone else. I’d probably just go wulf but I may as well go random if you don’t like that…

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“Evolve or Die” on a serious note,try adapting your Playstyle and find ways to take advantage of his other tools as opposed to complaining about the ones that have been watered down.In the long run,you"ll have found yourself to have become a better player.

I’ve done that like 5 or 6 times since s3 dropped…and that doesn’t count s1 and s2 changes.

I feel your pain and frustrations. As a Sadira main, I saw my character nerfed to pieces. It was disheartening to lose match after match as my old tech no longer worked. I’ve been in your place, BUT it wasn’t the end. I found that I had treated my character with a rigid set of rules. THIS was how she should be played and if anyone disagrees, they are wrong. As long as I had that mindset I lost most of my matches.

Instead of giving up I went to the lab and relearned my character. It was tough as most of my friends stopped playing the her. I learned new tech and found new and exciting ways to play Sadira. Now I’m winning most of my matches once more.

Don’t be rigid. Learn to flex, learn to grow. Keep your nose in the Fulgore forums and absorb all the tech you can find. Yes, he isn’t the same Fulgore from a year ago, but it doesn’t mean he isn’t good.


@Paramisery Listen to this guy ^^^^^^^^^


I commend you for being able to endure that, but I honestly don’t think fulgore is good now. Even I’m wrong and he is still somehow good, I’m genuinely not having fun. Due to how his meter works I still steamroll people who don’t pressure me, and those wins don’t feel “earned.” And I helplessly crumble to people who can pressure me, which is unbelievably frustrating. Nothing feels right anymore.

Would you enjoy a fighting game where wins feel meaningless and losses feel helpless?

Well as a Maya player since mid S2 I’ve seen my character nerfed up the ■■■ for as long as I’ve been playing. Going into S3 I literally had to change my gameplan because of the nerfs. But I can say that it made me a much better player as my gimmicks that worked in S2 were taken away when going into S3.

Even though Maya still has some pretty dumb stuff, the changes made me look at all the other tools my character had like @SonicDolphin117 said above if I’m not mistaken. What I found was that Maya is still a ridonkulously good character even despite the tons of nerfs. I’m sure if you just take the time to lab some stuff and change just a bit you’ll see Fulgore is definitely still great.

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This is what I don’t really understand, man. There are several of us (myself, Storm, Dayvo, others) who have never once insulted you, despite you being really frustrated and lashing out sometimes. I have respectfully engaged and typed large posts trying to rationally discuss all of the points you bring up. Who are these people that are scoffing that a Fulgore player wants to discuss the game? If they exist, you should ignore them and talk to the people that are giving you respect.

It’s very difficult to continue to try and discuss the game with you when I constantly hear that “nobody respects me.” I engage with and respect a lot of people on these forums and I’m not the only one.

At the end of the day, none of us can control balance patches, and we aren’t the devs so we can only estimate their intentions for some of the things. The devs are also human, so they will make less than perfect decisions sometimes… perhaps they’ve done that with Fulgore. So when you keep saying “but the devs unfairly nerfed him”, even if you’re 100% correct, you can’t (and we can’t) control that at all.

What we can do, however, is try to brainstorm ideas for how you can overcome these nerfs. And that’s when you tell some of us that we are not respecting your complaints with the character, telling you to git gud and practice and stop being such a scrub, which is unfair to us. All we are doing is opening a discussion on the game, like you wanted.

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