Skeletal's Ranked Challenge: Introduction & Poll Thread

Booooo! I wanted Arbiter! Hiss!

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spoiler alert, I really want to play Arbiter!

He might be a constant choice in the polls until he gets picked, honestly.

SPINAL! we want the skeletal skeleton

Knowing this, I will vote against him forever!


Ill learn Arbiter before you though.

But i have a lot on my plate, with Arbiter, ARIA, an a Orchid in the works.

I’m a day late, but it’s time to start the discussion about the Challenge character for August!

Tusk has been very successful - reaching Killer in the fastest time and with the best win/loss ratio of any character I’ve played so far. I had some initial struggles but I am definitely enjoying having Tusk in my playable stable; Thunder/TJ/Tusk are currently the characters I’m most comfortable playing.

Let’s see who is of current interest to me;

  • Eyedol
  • Arbiter
  • Orchid
  • ARIA

0 voters

  • Eyedol is the newest character, and that obviously makes him an interesting choice even though he wasn’t what I wanted to get for #8. I love the visual look and the gameplay design IG came up with, but I had my heart set on Eagle. From a little bit of experimentation on Friday, his Warrior form feels pretty good and I think I should be able to work with it easily. Mage is a little bit outside my comfort zone, I’m used to combos and mixups, not zoning! I don’t think it will be a deal breaker, but managing the head swap mechanics will be a challenge.

  • Arbiter I told you, he is going to remain in this list until he wins. He is by far my favorite of the three guests in terms of playstyle, and I like the hypothetical chance to learn specific setups with his grenades and command grab. Haven’t put the time in yet, but I want to give it a try.

  • Orchid Orchid’s playstyle is what I would refer to as ‘hyper’. I like her high-low mixups between her crazy good slide and her cartwheel; she has an air-throw; firecat mixups in Instinct look fun; and I like the idea of learning a “rekka” as I have not played anyone who had that before. Plus I need her Achievements, so why not give her a try?

  • ARIA A lot of the reasons why I included ARIA in this month’s poll were related to the same “stance” stuff I mentioned about Eyedol, and I actually like some of her kick-based specials, particularly her slide. I also need essentially every Achievement for her.

Left Spinal out this time; I have really mixed emotions about playing him because I’m interested, but I have a really hard time seeing how I will make his playstyle work.

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Aria!!! A real challenge!!!

Picked Orchid. Eff Eyedol :unamused:

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So far four of you guys have voted, and all for different characters.

I thought the point was to make my decision EASY by choosing it for me!


Arbiter is winning! :open_mouth:

I wanted to pick Eyedol since he is the best of the list but I figured your gonna play some anyway since he is new so Aria seemed like a bigger challenge IMO

Eyedol! Eyedol! Eyedol!

I’m going to boicot Arbiter every time I can!

Also I knew you would love Tusk ^^

Tusk was definitely fun, and was a character I wanted to play even before he was announced; my love for Conan the Barbarian runs deep!

He definitely required a bit of a different approach than other characters, though.


Maybe you can give me some Tusk pointers sometime, I loved him when he got released, but wasnt very effective, he has a whole different speed to his game and with all the new characters he fell to the wayside a bit…

By the way, picked Arbiter since you really seem tonwant to play him.

I can certainly try some time; @Dayv0 might be a more suitable teacher though. I feel I understand Tusk fairly well but I know Dayv0 knows him better, and unfortunately I’m not an amazing teacher. I can develop an understanding of a character and play somewhat off of my own instinct (no pun intended) using that understanding, but it’s tough to put that into words, I guess.

4 days left to vote, folks! Arbiter’s got the lead right now, but it’s still anyone’s game to win.

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I’m thinking about requalifying and playing Tusk up to Killer. What say you? :open_mouth:


Why the doubt, why not just go for it?

I say go for it! It’s actually refreshing to be able to start a character “from scratch” that way. Taking someone you know very little about and seeing how far up the rankings you can take them is a lot of fun, and while I know I can play at Killer level, it doesn’t mean I am capable of playing ANY character at that level. going through Qualifiers and working your way through the ranks gives you time to learn your chosen character along with the challenge level of your opponents (typically). With Mira, for example, I struggled pretty hard with her health management at the beginning, and would have done nothing but lose against Killer tier players. Playing my way up allowed me to ease my way through the “learning pains” and gradually improve.

I’m about a week late, but Arbiter has been chosen as my Challenge character for August! Look for a new Challenge thread in the Arbiter category today, and I will reset my rank and play my first challenge matches with Arbiter in the next day or so.

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Booooo! Hiss! :rage: