Arbiter In Killer Instinct tease

Not what I meant, just saying they might deviate the story a bit from the old games. There was no Aria, Kan-Ra or or Aganos in the original games, but they have solid parts in this games story. So who says they might not deviate more from what we expect, I dont mind being surprised in where they take us, they havent really let me down yet. If they have a great story idea that doesnt include Eyedoll, I dont want them to ‘fit him in’, just because he ‘belongs’.

That said, would love me some Eyedoll, just not hung up on getting him in the game because it is supposed to be this way. We have gotten great games by letting developers take a change, or trying something different.

LOL, if you read comments when people were speculating if they should add him to the game months ago I argued that they shouldn’t because he looks pretty close to Glacius but people said they looked nothing alike and that I was wrong. I suggested that they just give glacius his armor or skin but now we have to similar looking characters. We could have had a Spartan or a Brute instead along with a Glacius arbiter skin but nooo.

Glacius with an Arbiter skin would make no sense, his move set is too weird to fit the Arbiter so you couldnt even pretend to play the Arbiter.

Besides that he looks as much like glacius as two completely different ppl.

We are used to seeing thousands if not millions of ppl in our lives and we think they all have differences to make them stand out…eventhough we all have the same base model so to speak.

So why do all of a sudden act like its so bad if two reasonably different aliens have some similarities?

Yeah, sorry, but… you’re wrong. :blush:


They could honestly just delete the story for all I care, there is a reason it took forever to flesh it out any. (Because its not that important…)

What would you know about it?!

Oh wait… :wink:

Can you give us any hints on Arbiters moveset outside of “he’s awesome”? Lol

I’m dying for some sort of detail or something on him

From what I recall they mentioend that the lighting’s throgh out much of the stae is going to get an update so who knows maybe it cna make thins look even better.

I was totally looking for a well written, scholarly answer. But this short answer is nice too. :grin:

Neither is including Eyedoll, just because.
Even if Arbiter would be instead of Eyedoll, in the end all I want is a good well thought out character, if thats Eyedoll, cool, if its a quest character, cool.
So if the story they are telling bypasses Eyedoll but introduces a bunch of cool new chracters, I’m totally fine with that.

Something commonly wanted is for ALL the old characters to return, thats why people are making a big deal about Kim Wu, Tusk, Gargos and Eyedol because they are the only onces who have been left behind. Making sure the old KI cast returns is a big deal, story mode honestly isnt because it barely affects the game. The only way id be okay with Eyedol not returning this season is if they have plans for him being the main villain of S4 or something but I dont think they will be that presumptuous about it. He should just come with the others this season to shut us up.

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I mean, I can at least confirm that he’s really awesome. :wink:

I’m sure TC would agree.



Good point.

Then an altogether new threat for everyone in season Four. No leftovers just pure announcement EVERYTHING.

IG could take the series ANYWHERE, then…

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Will the guest characters still have a story mode (assuming it’s the same as S2), or will they be excluded similar to Omen in Season 2?

Guys. Seriously. We’re missing a very key component that should be included in the character’s speech.



or they could use glacius skeleton because they are close in stature just change some of the move sets for him

I don’t think they would put Eyedol and Gargos in the same season I think they could do a season 4 and that be the last season with Eyedol as the final boss because he defeats Gargos to become the ruler or whatever

Thats possible for sure.

I don’t think so.

Repeating the theme of “giant monster” boss would be bland, if Eyedol has any chance of being in KI he needs to come this season while the demonic invasion is still the active theme.

I honestly expect Aria or another character to summon Eyedol somehow to fight Gargos back somehow.

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