Zoners and Tusk

Not to burst anyone’s bubble or to sound superior or anything, but I think this idea is actually, well, common sense. Of course, that could just be the hindseight talking, since it’s 20/20. That, and I don’t generally play Tusk, so it doesn’t really apply to me. I admit though, that I didn’t even think about it (but then again, I didn’t need to, but at that point, we’re going into semantics, and I digress).

I actually think this is something that needs to be more considered by people in lots of match ups. It’s especially true for Tusk because the discrepancy on trades is going to be huge. But almost any character who trades with a projectile in this game is going to come out ahead over time. Projectiles don’t do much damage.

Glacius’s hail does even less damage now than it used to. So the mantra for anyone fighting him should be “if you have to chose, eat the hail.”

I have very limited match up experience fighting against Glacius with Tusk, even though I took tusk from qualifier to killer. I found hail to be distracting but the real problem is cold shoulder. It’s so fast and it works at the range tusk normally likes to be in. So it’s tough to be a bully when you are always blocking…

Since Tusk is the formidable school bully in KI; folks want to keep him away as far as possible. But if you can close the distance it’s wegees for everyone.

I have been playing abit of tusk. So far the hardest MU is against the Arbiter. Because both have similar reach with their weapons. But Arbiter swings much faster. Plus he can throw grenades and shoot you if he wanted to from a distance.

Those factors alone can make it difficult. In order to really get a good hit on Arby, I have to stick close and poke him with the kick buttons. Since timing can make or break you easily if you’re just a teensie-weensie-eensie bit off.

So far I haven’t had too many issues against Arby, maybe I just haven’t faced a really good one yet. Quite a few of them seem too eager to spend their bullets early, and they all expect you to block or run away once they stick a grenade on you, most of them don’t know what to do if you actually take the fight to them.

I think It’s just a matter of who gets momentum first; once arbiter starts rushing you and getting his grenades set ups on you, then you are likely to have a hard time trying to go back to neutral, his attacks can be very difficult to predict/react. However, once I get close enough and start playing my hard knockdown game, things get even, specially considering that Arby doesn’t have a reversal, they have to use meter just to go back to neutral, you don’t even get hit by their overshield. If you ask me, at the moment this match-up is a solid 5/5.

I still think that Glacius and Omen are currently the worst match-ups for Tusk; Glacius not only has his zoning tools, but also does an insane amount of damage very quickly, a few of them have managed to do 60+% of damage just out of a single lockout. Omen’s damage is way lower, but his unpredictable zoning allows him to get openings rather easily. Other characters that gives me a headache are Shago and Hizako, but to a lesser extend.

Again, just the opinion of a normal, random guy who plays KI, not to be taken seriously by any means :upside_down:

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Tusk oki is a very serious threat especially with his OTG. Arbiters can lose 60% of their health from two hard knockdowns.

Ask @Justathereptile who sticks grenades and runs away easily. Lol hard to really catch him sometimes without doing something to make myself vulnerable.

Your parries have a short amount of time to deflect I have to throw you kjust to keep myself form getting caught in a freaking combo.

Those parries require alot of timing. All you have to do is not keep throwing out attacks mindlessly once and awhile and you won’t get hit : P

With the throw at least I found a way to stop you with little risk.

Instead of waiting for the parry to go away which may give you a chance to strike me while I wait. (If there is a tusk expert who thinks I got that bit of information wrong, let me know)

So you’re saying you can’t wait not even a less than a second? you wanna just keep throwing out attacks I take it? : P

Not the patience to wait till the little white flash goes and then hit on recovery eh?

your as quick to attack as I’am I know how you behave in thought.