Well, the system changing around him helped him out a hell of a lot. Like you said, the damage changes are good, but also the change to make breakers into flipouts means he can actually risk a double without getting put on his ■■■ and damaging his walls; instead, like glacius, he just gets to go back to playing his favorite range. That alone improves him immensely imo. His changes were subtle, but the system changes were big.
WAR PATH is the name of the move
its strange that you should mention this move just last week i went into the lab to find a use for this move, and surprisingly i did. it requires for you to have a chunk (armor) when your opponent jumps, do it! it actually captures them right before they get to the ground. if your fighting someone like mira or shadow jago dont even try it, because the can hit you multiple times before landing. The chunk (armor) will protect you from a single air attack from (jumping jagos orchids mayas etc. ) ill mess around with it some more im sure theres something i haven’t thought about.
Any normal does that, provided that you hit them during their 4 landing frames. Cr.MK is much more reliable, as it comes out 9 frames faster and is active for 4 frames rather than 2. Because War Path is so slow, it has to be done before the jumping attack hits, not in reaction to it, which can be done with Cr.MK.
The only added benefits of using War Path in that application is that it does 2 more hit points of damage (.6% of a lifebar), and that you can combo directly into Shadow Payload Assault. If that’s the punish you want, you’d might as well just cancel your Cr.MK into a Natural Disaster then do an easy one-chance break manual.
Or better yet, use St.HK, since it does provides the same link opportunity but comes out 6 frames faster than War Path, meaning it can be done in reaction to the hit. If you’re late with St.HK and it gets blocked (which is easy to react to), you’re -3 and your opponent is pushed to a range where you’re safe. If you’re late with War Path, you’re -10 and your opponent can probably punish with a heavy button.
your right leo, war path sucks in s3 lol i did like it in s2
From the patch notes:
Stomp Walk now crushes lows until the 1st active frame of each step.
Stomp Walk 1st hit is now -3 on block (was -10) at zero chunks
Stomp Walk 2nd and 3rd hits are now -3 on block (was -5) at zero chunks (Stomp walk was a pretty bad move. Now it’s a pretty good one.)
So now it more safe, and crushes lows. Sounds much better!
Its a move in the right direction, feels much more like a footsie tool now.
Still breakable in the third hit, as his pacemaker target combo, since it’s not in the notes
@LeoFerreis knows well. Also, are jumping peacemaker hits still breakable always with heavy when used mid combo(Shadow payload assault)? Even L and M?
@TheKeits is this intended? Wulf and Cinder can do their 3 hit unbreakable target combo, why, for example, we can’t use the peacemaker target combo?
Thanks in advance, and the change to Stomp walk looks nice!
It’s still not a great move IMO, but its definitly got a use now. I’ll have to test it to see how useful it actually is as a reaction vs a read tool, but at least against sweeps it should have its use.
As happy as I am with the changes, I already used it without them (and rather successfully too), so this doesn’t change much for me other than the fact that the opponent now has fewer options when I do it…
[quote=“Dayv0, post:27, topic:13821”]@LeoFerreis knows well. Also, are jumping peacemaker hits still breakable always with heavy when used mid combo(Shadow payload assault)? Even L and M?
@TheKeits is this intended? Wulf and Cinder can do their 3 hit unbreakable target combo, why, for example, we can’t use the peacemaker target combo?[/quote]
So, were these tested / commented on?
From what I remember, the recapture issue is the same, but I don’t think it really matters that much. The only case where that’s breakable is after Shadow Payload Assault, but in that case you’re always better off just recycling the peacemaker into a wall or chunk and cashing out with a wall crash. And to be fair, all three punch buttons do the same jumping attack with a peacemaker, so it would be pretty scummy if the opponent had to guess the strength between 3 identical recaptures.
From what I’ve seen Keits say, the target combo thing is intentional, because it’s very powerful. With how much stronger the peacemaker is in Season 3, I think it’s pretty reasonable. It’s unlike any other target combo in the game, since the cancel window from one swing to the next lasts the entire recovery of the first swing (even on whiff), making each swing its own separate attack. I’ve found some pretty strong OS off of this interaction. Comboing all three is pretty low on the options you have with it, unless you want to give counter breaker bait.