The "GGs" Thread! (AKA The Enormous Matchmaking and Rational Beef Resolution Thread)

EZ wins.


Easy Wins.


What makes you so sure of this?

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Well Iā€™m jokingā€¦ Seriously, I hope Jumping HP get only nerf. Not otherā€¦

Hopefully the only nerf he gets is: ā€œEyedol has been completely removed from the game.ā€


@DulXboxOne - think youā€™ll be around for a set today? Wanting to see the conclusion of that Sako v Omen fight :slight_smile:

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@ZDhome The salt you are generating right now would supply me for a lifetime.

Please calm down and be respectful.


All the ā€œRespectā€ in this community is fake.

I could care less whether i win or lose. Losing is probably the funnest part of a fighting game. But the attitudes in this community are all disrespectful and fake. Something about Fighting games seems to give everyone a ā€œgod complexā€. Iā€™ll be respectful to the first person in this community to show me respect. Until then, the only person that matters is myself. Everyone else is data, and iā€™m not wasting time with their fake attitudes. Outside of fighting games, everything is chill. Inside fighting games, everyone i know seems to changes.

Lemme just be clear right now. Nobodyā€¦I repeatā€¦nobody in this thread at least has a ā€œgod complex.ā€ We are always looking towards each other to improve.

We all are trying to give you the same treatment. Weā€™re all trying to respect you and help you improve.

So why are you being so rude to us?

Not true. Im done.

As my wise Game Design instructor once said,

ā€œYou canā€™t save them all.ā€

Anyways, anyone up for some matches tonight? I should upload something today.

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If I was the developer, Iā€™d give Eyedol some serious nerfs in a bunch of areas.

I canā€™t speak for what the devs will actually do, of course, but I wouldnā€™t be surprised if they changed many things.

I would be careful thinking only jump HP will change.


IMO j. HP, shadow dp during instinct and more chances to switch stance from warrior to mage are a sure bet


You are right. But Eyedol is not OP, itā€™s Jump HP is strongā€¦ Thatā€™s all.

Anyone know when the nerfs are supposed to happen? Keits tweeted ā€œNerfs in progressā€ just this morning.


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I think Eyedol will get nerf when they release Shadow Lords mode.