Shago hype is fading fast

Well then be the vocal majority, and show the developers plenty of support when they try to do something special for the community!

Frankly, I can barely believe the devs continue to engage with the KI community at all after all I’ve seen. Originally when DH opened up their forums and put themselves out there to address peoples’ concerns about the game, I thought it was an excellent move – until I saw the state of those forums when I peeked in there. The place was just filled with immature, illiterate human filth with no sense of reality who demanded high-end production on everything and gore and ■■■■■ and all sorts of complete utter ■■■■■■■■■ What followed in the ensuing years, I’m sure, was a whole lot of tempering of expectations, outright shaming the out-of-control idiots, and just the worse elements of that community losing hope and ■■■■■■■ off to make someone else’s life terrible, that eventually got us to the point we’re at now – that is, still a lot of ■■■■■■■■■ but kind-of under control – but I’ll forever take it as a big lesson in why developers remain so disconnected from their fans: because so many of the “fans” that’ll show up when you put out the call, are the worst possible kinds of people who just make everything miserable.

I still think the early demonstrations that IG did were something special: in a world where naive gamers have absolutely no idea what’s involved in the design and production of a game (hint: it’s really hard and expensive, and you’re probably getting at least twice your money’s worth when you pay full price for a game these days), even getting a peek at content that isn’t quite shippable, and getting any insight into what the combat designers are thinking, is invaluable stuff. I’m with you on wanting this stuff to keep happening, too. I just fear that this has been ruined by gamers being horrible again, and I wouldn’t blame IG or MS for deciding to pull the plug on this stuff and just giving us the content When It’s Ready.

Which is a shame, and I hope it hasn’t gone that far. But I don’t know, try being positive for a change, rather than making more threads about your sense of disappointment and lack of “hype” from just not seeing any info drops for a while.


Now don’t you worry, Shadow Jago will be officially release when he’s GOOD AND READY either in mid-November or early December :wink:

Agreed I’ve stopped playing KI already. Not coming back until Shago is out.

i hope your prediction is right and i still playing Ki every day …

I agree that it makes us more disappointed as time moves on at how long the wait is. I am not sure the hype is “Dead” but it has become drowned in the waiting. We will all come out of the funk once the update comes out. If the wait pours into December, at least it will most likely be within the first 2 weeks. The holiday break would be fast approaching and nobody is gonna be working.

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I do agree with your points, although, people in general mess everything up. It doesn’t matter what topic were discussing. That said, I think opening up to the community allows for a ton of positive feedback that helps mold the game into something fans love even more. This game has been heavily influenced by fans and it has shown by the cult following it generated over time. This game has gripped me for 2 years, which no game has done in recent memory. It has shot so far to the top with the likes of my all time favorites.



It really wasn’t huge hype to start with.

I can take or leave Shadow Jago.

Bring Tusk and Kim and the OG characters and the original ultimates and then we can talk.


I’ve been hyped up since season one when they said they would update him, been waiting a very long time for this.

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New challenges have appeared for Killer Instinct.
“It’s a Celebration: Celebrate 2 years of Killer Instinct by playing KI!” Starting on November 19th."

“Challenge Accepted: Perform 25 Ultra Combos in any game mode.” Starting on December 10th - the icon is a picture of Shadow Jago.

So this is…good. Probably. Challenges usually coincide with updates of some kind, even if it was just the recent patch.

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Wow, I had no idea they added those. As an achievement hunter I’ve gathered all the challenges so far and I can’t believe they slipped those in. Had you not told me that, I would have missed the current one with 5 days left. They really need to figure out how to send out notices for these things as a reminder…

Im not hyped anymore either. Thought they’d have given us all a bit of footage by now if it was going to be this year.

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It’s been way too long, so yeah … hype has pretty much died down. I haven’t played KI in a while, actually. But I bet Shago will draw me back, and the new season will surely get me pumped again. I want another GUI!

Id rather a new character

After having seen all of the outcry in the S2 forums for a stable game with no more changes, I am frankly shocked to see such clamoring for more game changes.

Gamers of the future will not be content with anything less then what they want, a la carte, precisely when they want it.

There’s no place left for me in this world :sob:


They actually won’t even be content with this. They think they will, but when they get it, they will either find something new to complain about, or else just move on to a different game.

It’s pretty surprising, though, to see so much interest in upcoming S3 changes because people are hoping system mechanic X will change, or character Y will be buffed/nerfed. They couldn’t even find enjoyment in the stable game for 6 months. It shows they actually don’t want a stable game, I think, unless that version of the game is 100% fair and perfect (which, of course, is impossible).

KI players don’t know how good they have it. Their game is pretty darn balanced and good, even if you don’t agree with every system mechanic or every character tool. They weren’t around to learn the lessons of what fighting games used to be… broken, unbalanced, buggy messes that we loved in spite of their faults. Even SF4, the most popular fighting game even today, has tons of system mechanic oversights (if you think KI’s instinct cancel combo breakers only benefit a small number of characters, let’s talk about SF4’s red focus), buggy characters (basically every character added to Ultra), degenerate characters, ugly characters… whatever. But the people who love the game play it and rave about it.

It’s sad to me that some people whose first fighting game is KI might have to learn the hard way that the grass isn’t greener on the other side of the fence, squandering the good thing while they have it. As one of the (seemingly few) 10+ year competitive FG veterans on these forums who has lived through the FG dark ages and seen the complete life cycle of numerous games, I feel like this is advice I have to give, and I hope people listen.


Well thanks for your lengthy and passionate sum of what every individual wants or never would be satisfied with in killer instinct 2015, but

FUNNY HOW IM COMPLETELY SATISFIED WITH 1999 SOUL CALIBUR OR 2008 marvel ultimate alliance 2,



That’s basically a non-sequitur.