Shadow Lords Impressions Thread

Well you apparently got the Shadow energy from Gargos. I want to know what the characters use it for.

Yet it was never adverstised to have a general ending for most playthroughs. It was hyped up as part arcade and part ladder plus called the season 3 story. How will anyone not expect a story mode to at least have character endings ? After all S1 and S2 had them right ? Plus the novella even re enforced the hype about the potential plot developments in SL. I said LIE because SL was not advertised to be a generic grind to gargos, rinse repeat with no plot development to keep is casauls hooked

This is what you say to people who rant. I am not a ranting person. All what I said is true, if you cant prove me wrong or even explain the idea behind this mode so I understand dont reply

Great, you don’t like the mode. You don’t like the way the story unfolds or the generalized ending, and that you feel like the devs somehow lied about it. You are entitled to your opinion. So is everyone else. But if you don’t like it fine. There’s nothing anyone has to do to prove that you are entitled to your opinion. But how about we not turn this thread into a p*ssing contest of whose opinion is more valid than the other, K? thanks. Let’s move on.

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I am not interested in your preaching. I gave my impressions on shadow lords, people replied, I simply wish to discuss my views and understand certain decisions they made in this mode. When people say " omg shadow lords is awesome" its is implied as facts and there is no problem. but when someone says something negative about the mode, you want to use the “its your opinion
” type of logic without even looking why the person is pointing it out. Let’s move on. K?

Weird echo in here.

So quick question, @developers. Why does corruption go up in a region if its a fight against a human opponent and not a Mimic? For example, i currently have 4 missions in a turn, 3 of which are against Mimics while the 4th one is against Maya who wants to challenge me for some reason. That mission is in Asia where there is also a Mimic mission. Assuming I only fight the Mimics and skip the human fight, corruption will still increase in Asia. Why?

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Good question, maybe it’s to force you to not skip them. Some times you will only have 2 mimics + 1 char battle, if corruption do not spread people will start to skip human battles to save resources. I already do this some times because these battles usually are tricks. Just use the worm in a next battle and corruption will fall greatly.

I kind of understand why it is this way gameplay-wise. But it doesn’t really make sense. If a Mimic opponent wins and spreads corruption, fine. But a human opponent who is supposed to be part of the people preventing his return somehow contributing to the corruption makes no sense. Add to that the reward of a character you wouldn’t want to have on your team (and also no count towards Mimic skins) versus the effect of spreading corruption instead, just doesn’t feel like it balances out.

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yeah i agree with you on that.

It’s a fair point. Sometimes we prioritize simplicity so that players can enjoy the ruleset as opposed to needing to really figure it out. SL mode is layered with so many concepts to learn already.

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Fair enough, I guess. Thanks for the response.