Heh. You might be a bit late - we’ve been using it to describe Shago since his launch :-p
I suppose I could take it back with me to Free Step Dodge… we never had a proper word to describe those types of Characters.
I agree. I also wanna Input personally I feel Tusk is a great character to learn fundamentals like dashing, empty jumping, spacing, blocking, walking back, walk-block-walk, and especially frames.
Some deflects can be done intentionally like st.HP which is a magnificently satisfying button (Thank You IG), and his fierce DP which the deflect is on frame 1. Where Tusk really shines is in his mobility, every Immortal Spirit lk, mk, hk versions all have their evasions/mix-ups. I mean it’s no Riptor level mobility or Aria but it’s just way more amazing since Tusk players aren’t told to play like that on paper.
Finally, Tusk real weakness is in his lack of Pressure. Tusk has a seriously hard time putting Pressure on the opponent. His only true pressure is the fear of being Deflected. Thats why his Instinct Tusk becomes God of Pressure for 5secs before you use it up. What his Instinct passively does is make your ridiculously amazing normals special concealable; Which is so freaking useful and devastating that being able to also cancel specials is just…Muah. St.Hp > m.SkullSp > Moosejaw > lk or back dash. Very powerful.
It’s really interesting to read the perspective of what makes Tusk great from a Tusk player; great post!
I wanted to push myself to go up a rank in ranked mode a few weeks ago, and during my mini-adventure to conquer a chunk of ranked, I encountered a ton of fighter diversity. I can’t say that I battled against the same character more than twice over the entire play session. (That was really cool!) Oh, and I earned the next title, so that was a successful afternoon!
My point is that I was on a nice roll, and I met a Tusk online. I’m a Riptor main, and nothing threw me off my game more quickly than when that random Tusk hit me with a deflection. Getting deflected feels so deflating because it feels random-ish, and it kills my cyborg dinosaur’s momentum. (Sometimes my cyborg dinosaur too!) I still won the match, but you’re right that it’s a shame that you don’t see more of Tusk- That deflection is a killer!
Am i wrong or are you the Tusk that teabagged me? XD
Eeh, dont remember. I usually tbag people who deserve it, if I tbagged you for no reason, I’m sorry. I was propably mad at something.
As a Sadira main, facing a good Tusk is like being a deer caught in the headlights of a big rig.
What I’ve learned though is to always be patient and let Tusk come to you. Playing defensive and reactive pretty much dooms most Tusk players I’ve played.
Thats because Tusk has no real pressure. The only way to really breach that type of defensive play is super basic fundamental old fashion empty jump grabs and OTG spam.
I don’t think he’s overpowered, just a bit tricky until you learn what to watch out for and massive damage if you mess up. I’ve lost matches to otherwise low-skill Tusks because I was just going 100% assault; just got to wait out the deflections and punish.