Rank needs to be redone, until then I'm not participating

I feel good if I sit above 2000 for a couple of hours. So you should be happy with your accomplishment. It’s tough not to get bitter that there are people who apparently have nothing to do all day but play KI ranked leagues, but that’s life all over.

Just a tip, if you’re going for top 32 it’s easier to reach the top 32 if you wait until the last week to play. You keep getting 1000 point bonuses since everyone is higher up than you. You can get around 10,000 a day. It does eventually go back to being a grind when you get near the top though.

That’s seriously messed up…

That’s why I proposed a completely revamp of the ranking system with a monthly ranks reassignment. But I have another idea in mind and that would be to create a brand new ranking system, based somewhat to the Hearthstone one: 50% of victories = going nowhere, differently from KI ranking where 50% of victories = grinding rank up. Talking about being in the same pool for KI, ofc.

Speaking of Ranked mode, I really wish it would all be reset and Killer rank actually be made something more than just an easily obtainable name. I don’t know how they are gonna do it but the spread in skill gap needs to be further evaluated to adjust the amount of people who are actually skillfully ahead of the rest. This race for top 32 is fun but that also seems shallow after awhile, since i beat many of them regularly but can’t sustain the same amount of gameplay hours through the month. Don’t get me wrong, I think the grind is fine but maybe another class level in ranking for the truly elite can be added. that would be fun…let me know what you guys think.

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Okay, so my rank has slowly been going down despite my 3 hours of play every single day and winning 4 out of every 5 fights or so - you know this from my 2nd to last post. As of today, however, I find myself after a single hour of play, and losing 3 out of every 4 matches, at rank 165 when I started the day off somewhere around rank 400. My score went from somewhere around 5,000 to above 7,000 - all in the span of about an hour or so!

So, devs, please explain to me why I can spend well over 3 hours every day for over 2 weeks absolutely winning and consistently lose rank, only to spend a single hour almost completely losing and gain (a whole lot of) rank? What kind of crud are you guys trying to pull here!? :angry:

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I finally got back on Ranked last night and actually…won a handful of matches!!! hey hey!!! I still ended up loosing all my points to Top 32 killers but… heck I’m used to that! lol…but before I lost all my points I was matched up against Silver and Gold players and won most of those matches…but like I said lost all of those points to killers which is disappointing.

I won my last match against a gold and I’m back to 31 points whoo hooo!!!

All of your opponents are not treated equally. It gives you more points for beating someone of higher rank than it takes away for losing to someone of higher rank. So, if you are losing to good players and occasionally winning, you are actually raising your score rather than lowering it. Whereas earlier you were likely beating low ranked players and then occasionally taking a big hit by losing to low ranked players.

This is actually pretty common to all ranking systems. The only alternative is to treat all players equally and say a win is worth x points and a loss is -x points. As soon as you do this you get people complaining “I was matched up with the EVO champ for three games in a row and it killed my ranking. That’s not fair!!!” Then when you introduce any sort of algorithm to correct for this and give people a handicap people are immediately confused as to why they move up or down. It’s a no-win situation for the developer.

I’m gonna be that guy to say it. "Get Good"
Now please don’t misunderstand I’m not being mean, the problem your having is your fighting people who are way better than you so the solution is simple, get good.

if you improve as a player you won’t feel like this and you will enjoy ranked leagues so much more. I’m a killer like many others so If you want add me on Xbl and I’ll run some exhibitions with you and help you improve then you will enjoy your experience in ranked a lot more.

If your down hit me up my GT is the same as my user name :smile:
As for my opinion on ranked itself I think it’s a good system that works but I think the tiers should he harder to get into especially Killer.

Get good? I was able to make it to the top 95 by winning most of my fights, am still winning most of them and am still falling in overall rank despite playing for HOURS EVERY DAY, and you’re telling me to “get good” and that the ranked sytem itself is fine? Please…

I was talking to the OP not you, the Op is in bronze and not having a good time. I’m offering to help him.

So I’m not being rude but why have you crawled out of the woodworks to jump at me I wasn’t even talking to you?

I’m making the point that something about the system isn’t quite right, and because of that, “getting good” isn’t quite enough…

I just wanted to start the discussion on this again. If we talk about it enough, may something will change.

My opinion of the current ranking system is not that the system is bad, its that the ranking structure is just not fun. After you reach the killer tier (which is still incredibly easy to achieve) there is absolutely no penalty for losing, and that is where the old matchmaking system had the advantage. Sure there was a total of 30 ranks, but that system was more skills based; you were rarely matched with someone who was more than two levels up or down, and you typically couldn’t go up or down until your play style evolved. Too many losses put back at the lower rank–so you were always playing against someone with similar skill level.

The new ranking system is the complete opposite; you can start a new account right now and be killer status within the hour (if you find matches), and that’s where the game stops being fun. Sure there are plenty of level 50 players in there, but do all of us have the same skill level? Absolutely not, so some matches are incredibly easy and for others we may as well just put the controller down and wait for the guy/girl to win. The 2/3 scheme is awesome on the drawing board, and it gives that competitive feel, but most of us don’t sit on our couch/bed/whatever to play competitively, we just want to have fun. There are times where one of the matches is easily won because an individual comes in with bad tactics, and that should be the end, play better the next time we meet. But you get an immediate run-back, sometimes its fun, but in most cases its boring. Also, the killer tier is just a grind-fest–the people who stay up the longest and play the most matches inevitably obtain the most points.

Anyway, I don’t wanna keep this going forever, but I have some suggestions: 1.) take us back to the old system in which it was easier to be paired with someone of similar skill level. 2.) similar to what someone else suggested, find a way to expand this system so that includes some penalty for losing (i.e. moving down a tier after too many losses, or making level 50 non-permanent.) 3.) take away the monthly grind fest (for top 32)–if you want to grind you play call of duty, or an mmo–not a fighting game. Also, MOST OF US will never make it there–don’t give us some unattainable goal to play for. At least give us an option to not display the ranks on the main page. It’s possible that the only reason a lot of us play in ranked is because its damn near impossible to find an exhibition match.

anyway, that’s my opinion.

Did you really just tell me this? I was ROUTINELY matched up with players 10+ ranks higher than me - I was NEVER able to advance past level 5 or 6… :cry:

Really? 'Cause as I recall, it took me a lot longer than that… On and off, it took me about 2 or 3 days of play time with several sessions lasting well more than an hour.

IMO, these are the kinds of players that shouldn’t even bother playing a FG - if they’re not willing to put up with it and learn from it, then they should just walk away. We don’t serve their kind here.

Well, it’s certainly a grind fest, I’ll give you that - I spent 4 weeks playing well over 3 hours every day and the best position I got was rank 95; sadly for me, it’s the top 32 that matters. As a counter-point to your quote above, though, what I went through kind of proves you wrong. I went through a lot and still didn’t make it. Furthermore, other regulars on this site have claimed to me that starting late in the ranked season is actually better, since you get more points for those who have a higher position than you in the rankings and lose less for the same reason - therefore you rank up faster when you do this and win. So, it’s actually starting late and knowing how to manipulate the system that gets it for you. Furthermore disconnects, at least for me, are generally an automatic win - those help an awful lot too.

[quote=“AnyngChnguDeul, post:33, topic:1506”]
Anyway, I don’t wanna keep this going forever, but I have some suggestions: 1.) take us back to the old system in which it was easier to be paired with someone of similar skill level. 2.) similar to what someone else suggested, find a way to expand this system so that includes some penalty for losing (i.e. moving down a tier after too many losses, or making level 50 non-permanent.) 3.) take away the monthly grind fest (for top 32)–if you want to grind you play call of duty, or an mmo–not a fighting game. Also, MOST OF US will never make it there–don’t give us some unattainable goal to play for. At least give us an option to not display the ranks on the main page. It’s possible that the only reason a lot of us play in ranked is because its ■■■■ near impossible to find an exhibition match.
[/quote]As for your suggestions, I’m kind of okay with suggestion #2. However, I don’t recommend suggestion #1, because it’s NOT better than what we have now. I also don’t recommend suggestion #3 because that can actually make it harder to get to the top 32.

Anyways, that’s just my opinion. :wink:

Thanks for the reply, GalacticGeek. My personal experience with the old system was quite different than yours; I’ve been playing since release day and I don’t recall issues with getting outmatched in that way.

I recently started a new account–I was placed in to gold right away, and found matches so frequently that I was in killer in (what seemed like) no time. I guess to be more accurate I could actually time it.

As for the suggestions, I personally liked the old rank system, but it’s possible that I’m overstating the benefit of it because of my current discontent. For #3, if the top 32 is what you’re aiming for, then I can see how taking that away would be problematic. Overall, I agree that the best suggestion is to restore some kind of penalty system. Without that, as long as we’ve been playing the game (since 2013), it can get pretty boring at times–especially the periods like this when we’re between content seasons.

Thanks for the feedback.

We need the ability to drop rank for losing. Been playing Halo 5 lately and it has a similar ranking system where you can’t drop down in tiers for losing a lot and pretty much everyone is reaching Onyx rank thanks to a lucky win streak every now and then. However back in Halo 3 there were 50 ranks (if I recall correctly) and you would drop rank for losing too much, this caused the community to be very spread out in terms of ranking and the top rank people were actually really good players as opposed to just people that had a good night and ranked up.

Having the ability to rank down has its own drawbacks though. Namely, if the system sets you up with similar-ranked players, then when you get towards the top, there’s fewer people to play with. Also, I’ve witnessed said high-ranking individuals lose matches on purpose just so they can play with someone of a lower level, giving them an unfair and instant-surprise advantage against the lower-level players. So, even that won’t be perfect.

Of course, people do that right now, by making new accounts, much like you’ve apparently done (although that probably wasn’t the reason you did it - at least I hope not). Then again, I personally always thought it was stupid to have multiple accounts. I prefer having all of my saves, games, achievements, etc. under 1 roof.

It’s true, Look at how fucked CS:GO MM is right now because of this fact

I made the mistake of buying CS:GO on the XB1 - to this day, it is literally completely unplayable, because it was never fixed by Valve (they have an odd and long hatred of consoles). If I start a match, the networking is so bad, I can’t even leave the spawn, which makes it impossible to play the game at all. It’s a real shame too, because it was CS on PC (way back when it 1st released for retail) that got me into shooters, taught me about strategy, and that has formed my overall view of how I play video games today (being friendly, using teamwork, communicating, etc.). I played that game for well over 4 years, which is longer than any other video game I’ve played to-date.

I had a similar experience with the old ranking system in that I was more often matched up with players of similar rank/skill. Personally I just think the current system is broken. IG made 4 ranks but it’s implementation was so poor that the ranks are arbitrary essentially the game is 2 ranks Killer and Not Killer. Not Killer (Bronze, Silver, Gold) are basically new players and Killer is everyone else. The skill range in Killer is ridiculous, it ranges from professional offline tournament players to players who are severely lacking in basic fighting game fundamentals.

Ultimately this results in rank being completely pointless and arbitrary. I believe a punishment for losing would help to better sort the player base skill wise in a meaningful way. Perhaps there can be a happy medium where you don’t derank a tier just from losing one match, if you are on the cusp of a demotion perhaps it should be a 3 match losing streak. I do understand that some players could easily become frustrated for not being able to stay in a tier they tried hard to get.

As a side note is disapointing to hear that halo 5 locks players into tiers.