My shadows are still not getting any fights. Why?

I know right! That was the worst feeling in teh old system. I never made it past lvl 7…but the day i did, I immediately fell back to lvl 1 quicker than i rose to lvl 7. I about freaked out i was so disappointed. I didnt touch ranked again for a while. It was just too frustrating. Seemed like every match I was loosing to some kid with Saberwulf and howling a TBin me.

I will say this…the competition level in Ranked is serious business. There aren’t many scrubs playing in ranked.

Yes, the competition in ranked is very stiff. This is always true and it always gets worse over time - the best players keep playing while the more casual (meant in the literal sense, not as an insult) move on to other things. I remember Max posted a video around the time KI released on how to get good at fighting games and one of the things he said, which was widely derided in the comments section, was “get in at the beginning. That way you can learn the tech while it is still developing and there are lots of players in the field.” He was exactly right. I have been playing the game since Day 1 - literally at 1:00 AM on Nov. 22, 2013. I win about 1/3 of my ranked matches today. If I had bought the game last week? It would be hopeless to go into ranked and achieve anything.

yeah I was a bit late to the party. Even though I’m a veteran from 94…I had quit gaming the last 10 years or so. (Since the 2nd year of original Xbox). the new KI is what brought me back this past December.
I couldn’t believe you could play other people online! I didn’t even know that game play existed (that’s how out of touch I had become with gaming.)
I remember when i booted up KI and finally got it downloaded and working… it was a dream come true! But the first time i went to Ranked… my heart started racing…another person was on the other side… unbelievable… he started talking too… and i was like What the heck? He was talking mad smack too…but it was funny. I soon found out not every one was funny like that.

I think people are just not playing Shadows anymore. I played the living ■■■■ out of it for the first week or so and haven’t gone back to it. The fact that it freezes 100% of the time, without exception, when I go to check the bounties doesn’t help. I’m mind-blown that they haven’t cared to fix that.

I played against your shadow last week, it had like 1500 wins and 1300 losses. I wish to know how did you get that absurd number of fights. I guess being first in the list helped, since it was the first 500 point shadow in the ranking. Visibility may be the key.

Saw this old thread. Anyone think as part of season three we will get Shadows instead of A.I. In single player modes?

Some people has unreliable internet connections so I don’t think so.

I think it’s a possibility. The challenge would be sorting out how to level the characters appropriately as you progress through something like story or survival mode, and then downloading all the shadow content without slowing the game up.

With the assumption that Shadows is a MUCH more complex version, Virtua Fighter did this years ago - where everyone you fought in the Kumite mode was supposedly based off of a real person who played in the arcade. The AI in that game was some of the most enjoyable to fight, ever, for that reason.

@Filemoncio I’ve discovered that I have similar woes. I’ve had trouble getting my Shadow matched up with people. I’ve even run out of bounties to avenge since half of the shadows that the bounties are for were apparently deleted.
I’ll add you and maybe we can send some friendly violence back and forth.

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I’ll fight you, ppl here helped me out too, got my 100 shadow challenges last week because of them. I’ll have to add you to my list though

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