Does this forum seriously censor the word “сhink”? That’s hilarious.
yeah…I know all of this already. Still doesn’t mean the track sucks. Its all a matter of opinion. This isn’t the lets bash Mick Thread…its the Micks Legacy thread. And its one track out of 18 or so. I never said it was better than Jagos, Spinals ect…but it doesn’t suck and he didn’t drop the ball, especially if he only had 2 days, 2 weeks, whatever.
I don’t think he can be or should be judged based off Riptor’s theme. Especially from a bunch of keyboard warriors.
I still don’t understand all the hate that Riptor theme gets. When I sat and listened to the whole thing on youtube it actually made me think of a raptor hiding and hunting in the woods. So it hit the tone for me, it’s still one of my favorites.
Not every song needs to be this huge mega production that Spinal’s and Aganos’ themes are.
Jeez, nobody is judging his whole career basing off one track, do you even read the posts? We are just saying that THIS ONE PARTICULAR SONG is not very good. And it is a part of his legacy, whether it sucks or not.
I read every post man…no need to get worked up…lol. I am just defending Mick as you are defending that he dropped the ball. A great debate! lol
The reason I tend to defend music/ musicians is I know what its like to write and record an album…its really hard, there isn’t anything easy about it. And when you pour your heart and soul into hours/days/ months and the work that goes into these 3 to 5 tiny mins of music, and then people judge it like its nothing, and like they know what its like…its just strange to me. Even if I absolutely hate a song and think its crap, I do respect the amount of effort that person put into recording the song.
You may not like the song it self…but that doesn’t mean he failed… and i guarantee if you were speaking to Mick directly , none of you would say, “Ya know Mick, you dropped the ball on that Riptor theme…it really sucks”
its all good man…Mick rocks
U don’t mess up riptor though.
My point was;
season 1 was amazing
Season 2 was very good
But the original tracks are better.
Its time for new blood and new passion
There is little reason to defend him, because I said that I absolutely love his work, but it doesn’t mean I will drop any criticism I have, even if it is very minor.
Yeah, we can argue about this one track forever, because music is entirely subjective and is a matter of taste. But the fact that Mick himself said that he wants to remake it says something.
Now when I think about it, I guess we are never getting that remake.
I remember hearing Jago’s theme for the first time and instantly “getting” the direction of the character and what Mick was doing. When someone learns to throat sing for one track of an OST, you know they have the passion.
It’s strange because when I first heard the theme used for the Rash trailer, I instantly said “wow Mick didn’t bother much did he”
Someone left a comment to the new composers stating “you have big shoes to fill” their reply was “we have big feet”
Not much in the way of humility and that instantly turned me off. Then listening to the Rash trailer theme it just sounded generic to me personally.
Micks legacy will live on through the music he is creating in other media, but he will be sadly missed in KI and it will show
WOW! They really said that? If that’s true no humility at all! That’s one thing i cant stand is if a musician doesn’t have humility. DO you know where you read that and have a link to it? Im pretty sure i said "they have big shoes to fill on one of these new threads…interesting.
Just listened to the Rash song again…its cool…but its no Fulgore, Jago, or Omen. I’m anxious to see what they can do…but honestly there are only 4 tracks they can make that we can really judge nostalgically. so we shall see! I do respect that they got the gig and its theirs to make their own! They have to be pretty good to at least get the gig ya know? Honestly though…all the hard work is done and out of the way/… thanks to Mick
I’m soooo happy he put that mellow version of the KI theme into the season 2 soundtrack I asked him for when he taking requests for Season one OST. He will be missed, It was at the end of “Herald of Gargos”
Too bad the bar is nowhere to be found on human characteristics quality.
Check the fluidity of jagos fingers, sadira’s hands and thunders feet compared to combo’s/ Kan-ra’s boot like feet and the loss of facial animation in omen, aganos, cinder, etc in favor of masks and either a muppet like mobility of robot or creature in-betweens (check sabrewulf’s fleshed out hit success animation cels compared to riptors barely fluid and Aria well, a robot demands less personality, but the moving of a brow is less convincing than say the awesome constricting hands of sadira or jago compared to most of the season 2 cast balled up fists or masked shortcuts. Is omen supposed to be a faceless being, fully mobile and retractable wings, but not a lip in sight, huh? Where’s the high bar there? ‘Oh, we’ll just make a mask, no one will notice’ Maya seems puppet like when moving at times. I just want more for this awesome game, no shortcuts, go big as the passion the community has for the game in their personalities.
Mick succeeded that in the character themes. The animators
Yes a brashness will give an odd first impression- I too wonder if the new team will go to lengths to include elements related to the character and research the idea of their essence
Will we hear just chunky techno and rap for ?Kim Wu, or as mick would have done, assemble traditional Korean music instruments and rhythms and include a singer fluent in native language to express the true nature of Kim Wu. How genuine are they in being true to representing the CHARACTER, traveling for inspiration, discussing with knowledgable people of the nature of the character or theme, including authentic music, ( how will they represent Tusk?), not just making some crazy guitar riff and looping it to a beat and layering a rap.
That is the large shoe that the new team faces. But we will be there to notice and give feedback.
It will certainly be interesting, I had the feeling Mick was willing to really get his hands dirty (metaphorically speaking) We will only really be able to judge when the themes start coming out
Mick helped to rekindle a game about passion within its own genre in a way few may ever realise (you’d have to have been around a LONG while).
The way he paid homage yet modernised the character themes is part 'n parcel to the package that is KI’13.
My fondest memory will be the discussion of Fulgore’s stage and how or what it should be.
My wish was that speed and/or industrial metal would be the heavy influences… That it would feel something like NiN (old) and Fear Factory were combined to give me that feeling of badass killer robot!!!
And somehow, he did!
ARIA’s theme is the only one I’m not too fond of. That’s not a knock. That’s something to praise. Out of over 16 tracks, 1 of them I’m not too fond off. Through soooo many genres of music types, just 1 didn’t tickle my fancy… WOW!!! (ARIA’s theme does send me into a sci-fi anime trance, just not my favourite type of sci-fi anime).
I know Atlas and dweller are going to continue his passion for the music. It’s part of what always made KI special to me and I look forward to multiple artistic inputs.
(KI was built on the love for the fighters of the 90’s. Well, now we’re in the 15’s and that love has many more games and musical sources to pay homage to!)
So, thanks for everything, Mick. As I tweeted, your work on Wolfenstein was most excellent as well.
The atmosphere would never have been as powerful as it was if it wasn’t for your sounds supporting it.
I know I’ll enjoy your work again in the near enough future and already have so much of it to cherish.
Till then,
Mick created one of the best videogame soundtracks of all time. I can’t give him enough props.
I hope the news guys know what their doing, put egos aside, and simply build on what Mick has achieved with KI’s music.
For people who are clinging to the past about mick’s godlike soundtrack I’ll say:
What’s done is done. We as a community, need to accept that he is gone.
And hope that the soundtrack is in good hands!
I agree, Grant Kirkhope also did the 007 and original Perfect Dark Soundtrack those X themes were legendary, but I still feel like Mick Gordon is up there with likes Jasper Kyd
Mick will always be with us…I hope he stays active in the community!! I would love to hear more of him in the future even if he did leave!
Mick Gordon, you will surely be missed and may we the KI community give a very big THANK YOU for your lasting, enduring musical legacy that you now left behind for all us KI fans as well as the significant impact which you now left your mark on KI’s music and overall for Killer Instinct
I really like the Aria and Cinder stage music.
For a while Hisako and Aganos were in my top 3 but these final two released characters’ tracks really rock. They are now my #1 and 2. Omen stage is #3 for me.
I don’t mind that Cinder and Aria stages sound similar to some of you. The way I look at: if it is good, I just want more of the same.
No need to question the guy’s legacy/ talent.
Btw, are all S2 tracks produced by Mick?