KI Retrospective review

I prefer them dead when an ultimate happens, these are super-human fighters beating the crap out of each other. No one would be able to survive being incinerated by a raptor after they hit the ground ao hard they are too hurt to move quickly, or get penetrated by ice and freezing, ect.

Even if they did survive they won’t alive for long, either way it will be unpleasant for the one being on the business end of those ultimates.


But on the other hand, if you go too far into the “dead one round, back up and fighting he next” route even by video game logic it just starts to get implausible.

…which is why I prefer to believe it is a brutal cinematic end to the fight that they’re not getting up from for a while, but not necessarily their death. But to each their own, and IMHO that’s the beauty of the current approach, each can have their own. :sunglasses:


Well it is a game, how much logic is allowed depends on the developers. VG logic is technically like cartoon logic (or no logic as some would call it) The question is how can someone even get back up and fight moments like after they went through what would impossible to get up from without medical help then fight like as if it never happened.

Perhaps maybe the winner of the match just sat down and waited for his foe to come back from a hospital, or maybe they have unlimited lives. They died than somehow came back to life.

personally the I like the idea of them being dead. It shows how efficient they warriors are in killing their foes when it is necessary, or they way these character’s see it, it’s almost always necessary)

but I digress, this is the best fighting game of this generation and I hope it continues with future sequels, got board really quickly with sfv and tekken 7, but I put so much into this game. I hadn’t done that since MK9, and primal rage and old KI prior to that.

Yes, you are right. There isn’t a true thing as having a totally objective view. Everyone does have a bias, we have to be strong enough to acknowledge it and not fall victim to said bias. That said, I feel as if I (and a few others) have tried to review KI as it is now without any application or leaning towards our individual bias. I know I try to look at things from multiple standpoints- a business standpoint, an average consumer standpoint, and a developer standpoint. Do all of my inputs reflect these views? Not totally… But I am willing to acknowledge this.

I’m sorry you feel I’m coming off as arrogant, which is totally not my M.O. I also can’t understand how someone can come off as certain things based on reading and no real inflection, but I digress lol…

I’m not telling anyone that their viewpoint(s) don’t matter either. Everyone here is entitled to their opinion, regardless of the fact I may agree/disagree with it. I couldn’t understand how or why the overall score matched the pros/cons, especially when there were some weighty points leaning towards the cons vice the pros of KI. I haven’t called anyone here elitist, or anything of the like.

I’m actually glad that you created this thread. I hope that this truly challenges fans of the game to analyze the game in a way that doesn’t come off as elitist/fanboy/etc, but rather in a truly constructive manner. I’m not promoting straight up bashing the game as many people have done in the past; nor am I promoting blind flattery of the game.

Comparing the game mechanics to those that are out for other games, how does this truly equate?

Comparing the graphics to what’s out now (both background, individual character models, particle effects, etc), do they still stand up to MvCI, DBFZ, SFV, etc.?

Comparing the sound (bgm and sfx) how does it fair compared to the current fighters?

How much content does KI have compared to the other games, and is it enough for the casual gamer?

These are just a few items worth digesting as a reviewer, be it professional or not…

I do appreciate the feedback, and continuing BBA’s thread. :+1:

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Again, the “weight” of a particular pro or con is relative. The individuals in question obviously felt the supposedly weighty cons didn’t matter all that much to their overall take on the game. How you perceive a particular feature (or lack thereof) is how you perceive it - it’s an exercise in futility to try and create a blanket metric that others should abide by.

And again, all of this could matter quite a bit, or literally not at all for the purposes of this thread. Perhaps I value the game mechanics being far and away the most engaging of any fighter out there, so KI’s terrible music doesn’t really faze me. Maybe I think KI has incredible character design, but its weird pricing structure confuses my ape brain and I hate being confused so eff KI.

It’s a personal take on KI and what it has meant to each of us. What each individual feels are the game’s triumphs and shortcomings. For some of us that may take the form of looking at broader FG contexts; for others maybe it won’t. And that difference is ok. Let people review how they review - it’s not up to you (or me) to quibble with their precise scores and the metrics whereby they reached them. There are some really buggy games that I’ve loved the heck out of, and there’ve been really polished masterpieces that I found joyless and simply not fun.

My retrospective will be my retrospective. Nothing more and nothing less. I imagine many others have written with the same mindset.


I’ll give the example of Overwatch. I like it from a gameplay perspective. The characters are fun to play and nice to look at, and the base mechanics facilitate teamwork in a genre where that can be hard to achieve outside a close group of friends. So by all means I should play a ton of it, right?

Thing is, the loot box system has rubbed me so hard the wrong way I’ve played a miniscule amount of it compared to even my little sister (who doesn’t play shooters). It means that none of the unlocks are based on merit, that all the cool skins you can unlock are based entirely on luck. Even if you wanted to use microtransactions you’re just gambling real money for the CHANCE you’ll get something cool. So even though it’s an aspect of the game that has no effect on the actual gameplay, the random loot boxes have completely demotivated me from ever putting the game into my Xbox.

Point is I agree with Storm’s statement. I’ll let the thread return to those still in it.

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I’ll remember this phrase :+1: