Yes, you are right. There isn’t a true thing as having a totally objective view. Everyone does have a bias, we have to be strong enough to acknowledge it and not fall victim to said bias. That said, I feel as if I (and a few others) have tried to review KI as it is now without any application or leaning towards our individual bias. I know I try to look at things from multiple standpoints- a business standpoint, an average consumer standpoint, and a developer standpoint. Do all of my inputs reflect these views? Not totally… But I am willing to acknowledge this.
I’m sorry you feel I’m coming off as arrogant, which is totally not my M.O. I also can’t understand how someone can come off as certain things based on reading and no real inflection, but I digress lol…
I’m not telling anyone that their viewpoint(s) don’t matter either. Everyone here is entitled to their opinion, regardless of the fact I may agree/disagree with it. I couldn’t understand how or why the overall score matched the pros/cons, especially when there were some weighty points leaning towards the cons vice the pros of KI. I haven’t called anyone here elitist, or anything of the like.
I’m actually glad that you created this thread. I hope that this truly challenges fans of the game to analyze the game in a way that doesn’t come off as elitist/fanboy/etc, but rather in a truly constructive manner. I’m not promoting straight up bashing the game as many people have done in the past; nor am I promoting blind flattery of the game.
Comparing the game mechanics to those that are out for other games, how does this truly equate?
Comparing the graphics to what’s out now (both background, individual character models, particle effects, etc), do they still stand up to MvCI, DBFZ, SFV, etc.?
Comparing the sound (bgm and sfx) how does it fair compared to the current fighters?
How much content does KI have compared to the other games, and is it enough for the casual gamer?
These are just a few items worth digesting as a reviewer, be it professional or not…
I do appreciate the feedback, and continuing BBA’s thread.