How to get over a plateau?

I think some people just hit a plateau and hat’s as far as they can go, that’s pretty much been the case for me for a long time now.

How long have you been playing KI?

Since day 1

I was just thinking about making a thread like this the other night lol

I just can’t help but feel like I have hit a wall of sorts and I am kind of unsure as to what to do at this point. Same with SFV, but I don’t play it that often so that one is kind of understandable lol

About 2 years. But got serious into learning the mechanics maybe a year ago

I feel you. Well, the main thing that helps us to play ppl that ARE BETTER than you. This will sharpen your skill if you want to get better.


Repost from similar reply.I feel you. Well, the main thing that helps us to play ppl that ARE BETTER than you. This will sharpen your skill if you want to get better.

Well that’s the problem I play nothing but people that are better than me and I haven’t gotten any better

Do you have any local friends that play KI? I know how you feel. If an opponent is really advanced then it can be impossible to learn and get better.

I should be free this afternoon for some matches. 630 EST work for you?

What tv/monitor are you using? Are you on a controller or fightstick?

Back when Killer rank (40) actually still meant something, I plateaued with a controller in low 20’s, switched to using a fightstick and plateued again in the mid-high 20’s. I switched from using a TV with a 60+ms display lag to an actual gaming monitor (BenQ RL2460HT); I finally broke through into the 30’s. At peak I hit 39 (Ultra) with an OP Pre-season 2 Orchid, and settled in mid 30’s prior to them screwing with the ranking system.

At high levels it becomes a frame game. If your TV lags 3 frames behind your input, how can you ever expect to compete and win?

Sorry for the late response, but yes

My t.v is great, and I’m using a te2 fightstick

Ok. I’ll hop on in about 10 minutes. Might not be exactly as 6:30, but you should be getting an invite shortly thereafter.

What is the display lag of your TV?

If it’s higher than 17ms, get a gaming monitor.

A lot of good advice here, I figured I’d throw something that worked for me out…

I’m SFIV I reached a point where I just wasn’t getting much better. My win % was staying about the same and I was playing and finishing sets with the same people around the same w/l , be them ‘beneath’ me , or above.

I was getting kinda frustrated and on a whim one day I just chose a different character… One very different than my main. I spent a couple weeks on that character then went back to my main… And IMMEDIATELY leveled up. It made a huge difference to me, I was seeing the game more as a whole, rather than the little niche my main normally occupied. From then on, I have always taken extra time to play a different character for a week or so semi-randomly… I usually choose characters I’m having particular trouble against or a character vastly different from my own.

I don’t have any friends that play fighting games in general

I’ll play you.

So will I