Eyedol vs Shago: IMHO funny

If you found a way to combo into annihilation then it’s a bug and should be reported. That move is not supposed to be comboed into.


Wow that Shago player either was doing some button mashing at the end or for some reason was banking on you jumping for the Shadow Fireball.

That was fun to watch though but the guess breakers were strong with this one lol

If you activate instinct, landing a surge footdive lets you go into annihilation. it doesnt technically combo, but your opponent doesnt have any time to react once theyre out of hitstun.

What? Just hold up once they see the annihilation animation.

Man… That club beating, shago definitely joined “The Club” LOL

They don’t have to react to coming out of hitstun, they can just hold up during the entire annihilation animation.