By 2016 would you like KI to be reclasified as an M rated game? POLL

Simple question:
Why do you want M rating? For blood and gore? “Fatalities”? You have already all this in MK.

MK makes gore his real trademark. KI wants to make his trademark his combat system, accessible, deep, fun, and with interaction of both players. That’s the reason MS wanted a reboot. That’s the philosophy of the game. If the game suddenly it’s all gore and blood, maybe they are calling for the wrong public. People that want blood surely will come, but it demands an effort that it’s better used in mechanics, character design…

Let’s play math. You have 100 $(let’s keep it simple). You can spend 40 $ in character design and 60 $ in combat system(KI), or you can spend 20 $(MK) on gore and blood… and you have to cut from gameplay or character design…

And that is a reality. MK is full of clones(Kitana-Mileena-Jade, Ermac-Scorpion-Sub Zero, Goro-Sheeva, even the new kids, Cassie-Johnny…). Surely they have differences, but there aren’t as unique as KI characters are between them. Some of them are similar in gameplay or in appearance.

And… well, I don’t like MK’s eternal juggles, long one sided combo ala Mahvel, and unbalanced roster. But maybe it’s only me

Also, @KillerSwift7, here you can learn to make polls: How to add a poll