Battlefront 2 and the loot box fiasco

i dont doubt its happened man

To be fair most of the negative press I heard about Evolve (as well as my negative feelings) had nothing to do with the Season pass. He’ll the Season pass had my favorite character in that game: he was a freaking rocket armed viking! I’ve personally never had an issue with Season Passes, since they’re quite convenient. “Pay some cash up front and then any new content that’s added pops up in your library later” is actual pretty neat. It’s a good part of why I’ve spent so much time in KI.
Naw, most of my issues with Evolve were the a)actually getting in a match was a chore, since the load times were abhorrent (even longer than Bethesda games or GTAV) and the netcode/matchmaking had a tendency to take a poo, and b) they made jet packs boring. :stuck_out_tongue:

And I should clarify that I only feel that AAA games are at risk of potential crisis at the moment. Though the Indy circles may also be experiencing ye old Atari problem, of too much barely regulated boring garbage thrown around…
But, right now I we’ve seen a revival of an important part of the games industry: The Double A, the Middle ground between Mega Franchises and Indy Darlings.

We’re getting a lot of well respected games with decent budgets from smaller studios. Some of them self published (Killing Floor 2, Oddworld, Hellblade) others helped out by a bigger company (Killer Instinct, Cuphead, Ori). Games that are allowed to branch out and try different stuff or fill a certain niche, but also have a degree of polish and professionalism. So that’s super cool.

I don’t have too much else to say since I’m just happy I got my thoughts on to keyboard the first time (barring a few typos I fixed) .

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While microtransaction-fueled multiplayer games are nothing new, I’ve been hearing that Battlefront 2’s progression system is (or at least formerly was) particularly steep and frustrating. Is that true?

I haven’t noticed but I am happy to just play.

This is a huge deal. I agree that a big percentage of the Indy games are trash, but that’s what the Indy scene almost has to be. But the good ones are going to get noticed and elevated. Look at things like Super Meat Boy and Castle Crashers. There’s fun games everywhere. I have more games on my Xbox OneX hard drive than I have time to play. Anyone upset with Battlefront 2 has tons of other options. Heck, go buy titanfall 2 for $20.

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Funny enough I don’t see people complaining about spending 4000+ hours in Skyrim. :stuck_out_tongue:

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This is what happens when EA shuts down a company.

Well that’s because they use mods and those are free.

I don’t care about Battlefront or Star Wars, but I do feel for the people who do.
EA are scumbags to the nth degree.

I am so worried for Bioware… I don’t like that they are under the EA banner as well…

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I’m always getting sucked into being the defender of evil corporations, which is not something I relish. But does it ever occur to you that without EA, Bioware would be long gone already?

That’s been my only real concern from this debacle. Hopefully this doesn’t affect Bioware at all because I Love Mass Effect and Dragon Age and would hate for them to hampered by EAs greed.

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You’re not getting sucked into anything. You CHOOSE to be an apologist. No one forced your hand to do anything.

It doesn’t matter what good they have done for some companies. It doesn’t excuse all the crap they’re doing. No, it’s not black or white, but honestly… Bioware would be better without EA’s support. Sure, they will struggle without their financial support, but rather that than the alternative.

I would rather never see a Mass Effect or Dragon Age again, than to see EA do something like this to those franchises.

The mods are also created by fans and not Bethesda. :slight_smile:

At the end of the day, Video Game publishers have a right to make money. The reality is video games cost a WHOLE lot more than they used to. In 1994 the average AAA title could cost between $40,000 to $100,000 dollars. In 2001 that price was raised to $500,000 to $1,000,000 dollars. In 2010, that price was raised to $20,000,000 to $50,000,000. Today some games can cost beyond $100,000,000.

Guess what hasn’t gone up?

The price of games.

Since 2001 the standard price of an AAA title has been $59.99.

The reason you see more and more microtransactions in video games is because they want to make money. If people aren’t willing to pay more for video games then companies have to find new ways to make more money.

Is there a fine line with microtransactions, yes, and gamers vote where that line is by purchasing or not purchasing their products.

That’s not the issue. It’s how they do it that’s the issue.
And considering how EA does it, people have the right to complain and do what they can to fight this trend of microtransactions. Be an apologist all you want… it’s still a scummy business practise.

Here is the thing. They can make money sure. Prices of video games gone up but so has the amount of people who buy them. It’s not like they won’t make money if they don’t add microtransactions. Publishers don’t do it because they have to. They can still make a profit without them. I would argue that they spend a good chunk of the money on marketing.

Publishers add microtransactions because they can, not because they have to. They see it as an oppurtunity to make more money. They can make money. They add microtransactions because they want to make more money. That’s it. I don’t see it as having to do anything with increase development costs.

I don’t even think publishers deserve that much money anyways but that’s my own opinion there. Publishers themselves don’t make the game. They usually just fund it. They usually want to make as much money as possible from it, even if it means compromising a good game.

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Yes, this, thank you. :heart:

Well I rented BF2 like I said I would and so far the game play is…ok… nothing new really. I doesn’t feel better combat wise than Wolfenstien. I played 1 multiplayer battle and it was fun but nothing spectacular. Then I played the story mode. I had fun with the droid and escaping the ship. Now Im on Endor trying to find a Tie Fighter… not bad… Im still trying to get used to the weapons and side abilities.

So far Im not just blown away. I was surprised there were no Visual options for 4k or 60 fps/ HDR in the options menu. Only the option to adjust brightness. Im assuming its just auto 4K and HDR ?

After playing Forza 7, Shadows of War, Wolfenstien 2 and the newly 4K updated Rise of the Tomb Raider… this Battlefront game just kind of falls flat in comparison. I do like the actress and her role in the story mode…she has done a great job so far. I hope I can finish the story mode before my rental is up in 7 days.

The campaign isn’t that long. My son has already beaten it, so you should be okay. According to the Xbox official website Battlefront II is HDR and “enhanced.” However lots of articles indicate it is native 4k and it sure looks like it to me.

Wow so much to read.

Ok, let’s be honest here:

1: Is Battlefront 2 a pay2win game? Yes… and no

Battlefront 2 loot system is quite unorthodox, not easy to understand for all players, and there are tons of possible loots. Every character can equip 3 cards, which boost/changes their skills. This efectively makes any character better without any doubt. Each card has ALSO 4 different rarity ratings, being the rarest(and most expensive to craft) the best, and the cheaper/common the worst

The problem here is that you get this cards ramdomly when opening a loot box, which means that you could take dozens of loot boxes to get the one you want. So, you are forced to craft it. How do you craft them? Spending materials which you can get in boxes or doing challenges. Which means that you are going to take a lot of time to improve your characters. But using real money before it was cutted out., you could just buy boxes, get materials, ingame currency and cards.

So, investing money, you could have much better characters, buy unlocked heroes earlier, and overall, have advantage over other players. But, how huge is the impact of this in the game? Even with all this advantages, the “buffed” characters aren’t like using Launch Eyedol against lauch Aganos. Player skill still matters, and the gap between both players is noticable, but not fatal

If we compare this to Battlefield 1, Battlefield also has loot boxes, but only for:
-Cosmertic camouflages for weapons/vehicles
-Melee weapon puzzles to assemble unique melee weapons which have equal stats to regular weapons
-XP boosts

Battlefield 1 battlepacks are pure cosmetic, and you could spend thousands of dollars there, and your only advantage would be a xp boost(which is no big deal and it’s applied to all your squad)

I don’t like the way EA handled Battlefront II loot boxes. I’m ok with Battlefield 1 way. I worked for years in a videogames store, people spend lots of money in LOL cosmetics, you don’t need to go into the “pay 2 win” territory at all, but I feel EA felt greedy since they weren’t going to make us pay for extra content.

I wanna stop here for a second. Battlefront 2 is not going to have a season pass. YOU ARE NOT GOING TO PAY FOR THE EXTRA MAPS/CONTENT

Ok, EA is the devil. Ok, loot boxes are poorly managed in this game. But everyone should recall that, not long ago, in the prior Battlefront, in Battlefield 1… we had to pay 40-50$ for 16 extra maps.

I would take loot boxes as their were in the worst implementation in this game, where even without using them I can win due my skill, than having to pay another 40-50$ to keep playing the game, since the community is divided from the moment they introduce the first DLC pack

Is there a better option? Maybe! But for now, COD, BF, Destiny… all of them ask you to pay >40$ to keep the game fresh. So, maybe Battlefront II it’s not perfect… but is not as bad as people picture it