Would anything make this game feel more like "Killer Instinct" to you?

No problem at all! I was having a hard time trying to frame the question and providing context for it without coming off like I was strongly advocating for it. I’m really not. Sure, I can see some cool ideas working as I suggested above, but I’m not, nor have I ever been one of those “soul of KI” people that think this game lacks that or that the devs need to make everything exactly like it was.

I just thought that it might be an interesting conversation to have. but I do think that a lot of questions around here, and in most forums in general, get thrown out that way; sort of loaded questions encased in a rant. I mean, why ask the question unless you have a strong opinion on it, right? So I can see why there might be a reaction like that, but I really just trying to see if anyone had some ideas that might be cool and this game, to me at least, serves nostalgia very well, so I thought that might be a theme to go with.

I feel like the game has more than enough nostalgic nods. The music, retro costumes, announcers.

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I agree that it has a TON in this regard. No question. Would there be anything else you’d want to see redone or upgraded and would you want it to have a nostalgic twist or would you like to see them go in a new direction?

For example:

-The Loading DLC page at the beginning
-The color theme
-The Character Select Screen
-The “Fight On” pre-match loading screen
-The Survival Mode ladder
-Musical options
-Retro stage DLC
-“5th Enders”
-Additional match finishers
-In game fonts for character names, combos, post-match, etc

Is there anything you (or anyone else) would like to see IG give a coat of polish to or rework a little bit going in to the next game? Would you want them to do that with an eye toward the original games or perhaps something else?

Make Cinder broken like the original Arcade release.


I’d like that many unpractical and goofy things, unsuitable for competitive play returned.

Crude lightning
High altitude Ultras (where you had to time your fireball to juggle)
Rotating stages
Full stage zoom
Rotating characters on select screen


I would love for this game to have a UI with a theme similar to the original purple, red and storm clouds from KI1. No offense to the current UI, but it’s just personal preference.

Characters in full view and rotating on select screen
Practice on any stage
S1 retro redos

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I like that, secret level 5 ender

Rukari has shown that would be easy as 123 to pose the characters with a dev kit to make awesome ending stills.

Good call. No cgi needed

Not the side scrolling char select. I personally like how it is now. CLassic run, I agree with. HOwever, stages just for multiplayer? NO way. That way some players won’t ever see the either.

Only if they stick strickly to survival or story modes. Against the CPU, against other players, and online, which is what…90% of the game?..players would be able to use them all the time.

I got nothin.

Oh I got it!

Make the animations ■■■■■■ and make Eyedol OP and look stupid.

Honestly? Bring back more classic specials.

Eyedol’s foot stomp, Thunder’s Tomahawk and Phoenix, etc.

Rename classic special moves to their original name.

Talon Rake > Jump Rake
Shoulder Charge > Riptor Rage
Crushing Swing > Club Swing
Rising Uppercut > Sabrecut
Energy Bolt > Laser Storm


No Mercies.


Cinders design, stance and most of his animations from ki1 lol.

Having unplayable bosses that are OP.

Ultimates, more finishers in general.

Oh yeah… ultimates.

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It sure would being back some of DH stuff that would definitely make this feel more like the roots of KI for example the red UI screen in all it’s metal glory was awesome i mean I appreciate everything iron galaxy has done for this game but I think DH nailed the roots of the old KI games with there Version no I’m not talking about the balancing or adjustments of the characters in anyway I’m just talking about The way the game looked and feels it definitely had a metal theme to it I LOVED it The only other thing I can think of that needs to come back is the old shadow move visual these things should have not been changed even for the sake of story mode

Wow really? The UI with the McDonald’s colors; red with yellow Street Fighter looking fonts in list form? I didn’t really think that looked like OG Killer Instinct, though I do prefer red to green if we’re talkin UI colors. Definitely agree on that.

I’d like all of the fonts in the whole game to be unified and to be the Metallic supreme victory style font. I want ALL of the hexagon-futuristic sci fi type stuff gone in favor of fire/clouds/lightning; anything of that sort. The UI colors are fine; much better than season 2, but straight up all black and red with Maybee some gold or silver wouldn’t be bad either. I’d like he UI sounds replaced with something better; the current sounds are not pleasing to the ear at all.

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