Sign Up for Shadow Lords Early Access Here!

Just put in your information and wait for your code next week!

EDIT: I can confirm this is the EXACT same form the people who went to EVO filled out.

Though the EVO goers are confirmed to be getting codes first. Bwahahahahahahaha :imp:

Let me make this clear, though: this isn’t like an open beta. Some people who sign up may still not get access before Sept 20. Set your expectations.


Done! Lol

Thanks man.

Thanks a lot man. That’s awesome.

Whelp, that takes care of that little diddy. Now, I sit. I wait.

Filled it out! If I win I will set up a twitch to stream it.

I will beat you to it :smiling_imp:


runs away

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You can’t run from fate.

But go ahead and try.

Good stuff @SonicDolphin117 thx for the heads up

Signed up! :smiley: My body and soul are ready!

Signed up already. Will paying you money guarantee a code? :smiley: (joking, or am I? )

#This pleases us


lol Sucks for you if you weren’t at EVO


Are there any obligations, like extensive bug reporting and stuff? Or do you just get to play the mode early and that’s it?

They would like feedback. I’m sure @rukizzel will make a thread regarding SL feedback.

It would be cool to get Shadow Lords early, but I’m patient enough to wait otherwise thanks again for the heads up.

pretty please? Shadow lords is seeming more interesting that ever!

If I get a code, I’m definitely gonna stream it as much as I possibly can!

Just remember, guys who get into the beta: give some good feedback. Don’t just play it and not say anything!

Guys who don’t: don’t get salty!

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Thanks for the heads up man, I signed up and hopefully will get to try this, since I am not good enough for Ranked I play a lot against AI so this mode should be something I’ll enjoy, good luck everyone!

Signed up. Really looking forward to playing regardless of when it may be.