Kim Wu's Colors & Accessories


Are you talking about the color images? Yes and no. I took those using the development kit/tools I have. What I am saying is that it is not “from” the PC or Xbox version, ya know? They were captured another way.

Gotcha. They look really good, but better than the Xbox version. Just trying to get a bit of clarification.

After looking at comparable images, I guess it could also be the lighting that makes them have such a stark difference also…I mean other than the fact that the Kim images are just at a way higher quality.

I can see the dEtail of the underside of the bell in the furthest bg.


I liked reading the signs on the stores in the back of the street :3

Look what I found guys !!! Awws
‘Kim Wu is arguably the strongest of these newcomers’


Man Kim Wu looks pretty hot in that Blue outfit! wow!

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I don’t think you guys can complain over orchid and kim wu getting their original retros, but it doesn’t make sense, just look at sabrewulf, even rash in their retros, plus in rash’s retro accessory, he has a damn thong goddamn it

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Remember savage sabrewulf

Yes if you look at previous colors they were faithful to the colors chosen for Kim original KI2 colors

I have that strategy guide too. Thats actually the one that the museum guy DOESNT HAVE!

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They gave Butt-Floss to Rash instead XD


It’s probably one of my most cherished things ever.
I’ll display it next to my Orchid and Kim Wu figures.
The Hi res CGI portraits were amazing.

I wish MS would make a new book with exclusive posed 3D model pics like the ones her in the 1996 arcade book and

in season One story mode endings.


I have both classic guides and all of the comics…even the Nintendo power mini comic:)

I like to find these things on Ebay for cheap and buy them…but the KI2 guide is actually the one I bought when i was a teenager back in 1996!

So did I- but I was bit older lol
I spent many a day and quarters in the arcade just to see Orchid and Kim Wu best the other participants.

It was so cool to have someone come up and put a quarter in and lose, then you could continue your arcade ladder.

I know right!!! Imagine if someone tea bagged back then?? Oh it would have been on!!! Ppl didnt do that back then…it was dad silence… you didnt even look over… you just looked straight ahead and focused on the match. I miss those days


It’s still here, you just stare at the screen at home. LOL That’s why I like MKX’s King of the Hill so much. Reminds me of an arcade I used to play in as a kid.

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I always used to hate when somebody would just pop a coin in without asking, though; the arcade I played in (I was 9 in 1996) wasn’t busy, and it didn’t have the latest, greatest stuff, so it’s not like people were waiting around for the machine.

Sometimes I just wanted to try to play against the computer, because I wasn’t very good. It was pretty frustrating to have someone who was serious about the game just pop in a coin, wreck me, and have to wait to play something I was already enjoying.


Butt floss is a G-string not the standard thong.

Rash’s groovy pants I based of the loin cloths some of the Parliament members would wear. The groovy set is over his standard legs like the Toad’em set.

Given Rash fidgets and moveset, if he had full coverage on his backside it would undoubtedly clip a lot.