Kim Wu's Colors & Accessories

OMG they should did what could be obvious. Give Kim a Kill Bill premium costume. TJ has Blade trinity soo…


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I did actually. Had a Johnny Cage & a Stryker, as well as a decent Rain.

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where did you get that?

Screen caps from the stream. I was a quick thinker and used my phone screen appropriately

My fave

Bonus Tusk


[quote=“Filemoncio, post:380, topic:6075”]
times have changed!
[/quote]My word to them would be “That’s no excuse” If times changing should affect the retros, Then tell that to NR and Capcom, Cause if I’m not mistaken they don’t care. P.S, IG this not directed at anyone in particular.

Thank you that one he posted clearly stated he had no clue what he was talking about

That his mk3 retro smart one lol

It’s like They are in my head. They are changing almost everything I wanted them to. I was playing earlier today, was thinking it would be cool, if they changed the select screen, and this is exactly what I saw in my head. If they are truly in my head, then I expect Orchid pigtails in the customization. :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot dude, I wanted the scrolling select screen back :sob:

Still has lack of human skin regardless.

Again did u not play mk9 he had the mk2 skin which is human mkx version is the mk3 reptile skin (Ed boon stated they originally intended to use reptile skin as default do it’s what the fans wanted and got unlike this ).

I’m sure part of that fan service was because “what the fans want” involved the cheaper virtually no-effort option considering it was nothing more than a pallet swap.

But they got what they originally wanted didn’t they

That’s fine. I was just trying to make a point. No need to comment on it any further after this. :slight_smile:

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I really wish that her default coat would change colors with her outfits. While her jacket accessories are nice, I like the original coat better than all of them.

They have never done an ‘exact’ copy… even from the beginning of season 1… so why are you expecting it from season 3 when they clearly have a design plan in mind when doing the ‘Retros’

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Yeah, I wasn’t able to get my Bruce Lee costume in. It was an homage to some of his more stylish outfits, so not the track suit, but actual suits he wore instead.

Because accessories go over costumes, it wouldn’t have worked well given it’s a complete makeover. Maybe someday!



@rukizzel Are these images from the PC version?