Woke up today to find I'm a qualifier :(

Nothing like losing half the progress you made in one night by getting paired with guttermagic 6 times in a row. Ughhh. At least I took a round but I’d rather have my 200 points back :cry:

i’m super happy about the reset just for these same madman reasons! i had to go to rehab (don’t ask… lol) so was without ki and indeed internet etc for 6 weeks and basically forgot everything so i’m really looking forward to learning kim wu and indeed relearning ki by grinding the heck out of some ranked

I actually prefer training a character in ranked over exhibition once I get to a basic level of proficiency with them. I think the character and player variety of ranked is better for building adaptability and versatility into your game. Exhibition teaches you to fight one guy who plays a certain way - ranked let’s you experience the full range of nonsense out there. :slight_smile:

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I managed to qualify into gold. The trouble is now, all the bronze, silver and gold players are killers in disguise and very few points are being obtained for any wins. It’s kind of a drag. I’m sitting out of ranked until other players are ranked higher. It will feel less of an endless grind then