Why am I in Qualifiers?

That’s what I’m doing, just going to leave it as is cause I don’t want to play a match as qualifier and potentially overwtrite my killer rank before they fix it

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Yeah I think ill just leave it be until we got some more info or something. I have a feeling if I start playing in qualifiers that it will overwrite what I was.

Chime in if you’re good to go or still seeing issues, please and thanks.

Yeah, just went to Ranked and I was Qualifier, restarted my game and was Killer, when I jumped into Ranked my rank was Qualifier again. Even in Exhibition it will reset you to Qualifier.

The only way to stay your current rank is to absolutely stay away from online and only Single Player, this is awful. It has to be Xbox server data loss with the recent outages, at least that would be the most logical explanation.

EDIT: Just tested it, stay on SINGLE PLAYER for now, anything ONLINE will reset you. Hopefully this gets solved by the team. Especially since getting to Killer is by no means a walk in the park.


Thanks for all the heads up! I just got off work and was lookin to hop in ranks but I’m too scared I’ll lose my 7500 killer pois

Just tried again and now everything is ok, I am my previous rank with the same amount of points and everything. Thanks!

This wasn’t intentional, assuming from your post. Help us! :sob:

Still seeing issues. As I have already been online, I guess I’ll keep battling until it get fixed, or if it does. Maybe I can brag about reaching killer a second time :wink:

Also seeing abnormally high leveled/good players down here. Did they all get reset or are they exhibition gods?

Edit: Seeing -75 points to advance. Gonna drop some matches with spinal to see

Edit2: After losing one match against a bronze, I am in silver and -50 to advance

Edit3: Lost a match to a killer,(a pretty bad sadira, she didn’t even finish her combos) I am 1012 points on the gold ladder and -12 to rank up

Edit4: Got full ultrad by another sadira, this one a little better in gold, anticipation built… 13 points to advance in gold!

Edit5: I got back my carreer league wins and losses but not my rank. I’m an adaptive player and not having a bo3 is killing me. These are not practice rounds :joy:

Edit6: Made it to killer and got my data back, so if you can make it to killer your rank should be back

Thanks all. Keep letting me know if things are normal or not as the night progresses while we investigate what is going on.

They’re just getting us ready for when we all get reset on S3’s release.

“Practice Round, Right?”

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Yeah, unplanned, random practice round. :laughing:

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I’m still reset. I’ll try again sometime tomorrow.

It’s giving me a reason to use Hisako. LOL

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this typically happens if you have your console set to instant on and leave the game on the continue screen and open other apps or turn off the console. so when it resumes after booting from instant on it resets rank. it’s happened to me like 5 times in 2 days. I always knew to restart the game tho.

It fixed itself yesterday, for me anyway

Happened to me like a week ago. It’s okay though, am working my way up gold and am fairly close to getting back to Killer.

not sure if this helps but it has happened to me before a long time ago. i assumed they fixed it but if people are still having issues then it needs to be tweaked. hope they’ll also tweak lobbies soon

New patch I’m in there too…

Still issues on my end.