When you fight Gargos, are you having fun?

Gonna go easy:

I have fun fighting against any character of the game, with any character of the game.

I’m a happy guy who enjoys the game, what can I say



But seriously, I doubt any of the people following Paul on Twitter who responded to this poll were thinking of Shadow Lords when they responded to this. You may not like the question, but I’m highly doubtful that there was very much ambiguity in which version of the character he was referencing.


Yeah, that’s out of the discussion IMO.

Paul plays multiplayer over SL, SL launch was long ago, and Gargos received plenty of nerfs on SL.

Context clearly points to non SL Gargos, so I would put SL version out of the table

I’ve just gotta add:

This is why on most surveys when they ask you a question like that they qualify it afterwards by adding a “fill in the blank” section asking you to explain why you like or dislike something. That way you can tell if the people are answering negatively because they have a legitimate complaint or they’re just hopping on the “b*tch about stuff” bandwagon…

…or if they’re just trying to rush through the survey so they can hurry up & get their Club Nintendo points already.

I’ll only say: I play Sabrewulf.

You know how it goes…



Yes, that’s intentional.

Feel free to elaborate on your personal experience fighting Gargos. All facets of it. Is it ultimately a fun experience? That’s what I’m looking for. I appreciate those who have done their best to answer. Thanks!

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Yes. Especially if it’s @SlenderCashew50’s gargos.

And a friendly reminder:


I have fun fight against him when I use Eyedol. :slight_smile:


If it’s gotta be ‘yes’ or ‘no’ then it’s barely yes. The frustration doesn’t quite win out over the…whatever, of playing against that character.

I played in a community tournament a few month back and lost to (I think) UL Charles Gargos as Kan-Ra. It was the most fun I have ever playing Ki!! At that point in time Kan-Ra was still thought of as garbage (He still is kinda garbage imo) and nobody really knew which direction to take him in. The Gargos>Kan-Ra Mu was bad… Charles took the first match by a piinch!!! I fell for something I had never seen before and I fricken lost it it was so COOOL! Anyways, the second match I won. The third match of the set the commentators were going full retard in disbelief at (not to brag) my skill. His Gargos was going crazy, both minions, active instinct etc., I lost again by a pinch, but the commentators again were just genuinely impressed with how the match played out. We were both of equal skill and they knew it and even some of the people in chat and the commentators said outright that the match was stacked against me. That moment I realized yeah, the match was against me hardcore. I lost and all, but winning that one match with a cool ■■■ strat I thought of on the spot to adapt to what he was throwing out was easily the best feeling.

Anywaysssss, what I’m saying is that feeling of overcoming a character that isn’t OP but is really damn good feels great.

Now the real question is, When you fight Fulgore/Jago, are you having fun?

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Why Gargos and not other characters? Just by asking you’re suggesting to the respondents that Gargos may not be fun and essentially encouraging echo chamber responses and people to come up with “what’s not fun” about Gargos.

Yes, I have fun fighting Gargos.


fight me then im bored i have nothing to do right now :frowning:


to be honest the reason why people hate him its cuzz either the player is making good decisions and you are not adapting or you dont know the matchup or you are just giving up hope and get salty there are plenty of things why people hate him but if they say he is broken they are wrong lol


Why can’t it just be an honest question? It’s your assumption that it’s implying he’s not fun to play against and I get that. But he didn’t phrase the question as “Why do you think Gargos is unfun to play against” which infers he’s un fun.

I don’t think it’s a secret that some of us have been unhappy with the toxicity PaulB sometimes exerts towards the game. I unsubbed for such reasons myself. Still, I think it’s unfair to dismiss his dialog completely because of that. I see no reason to treat “Do you think Gargos is fun to play against?” as an illegitimate or loaded question.

Personally I feel the matchup is pretty unique, I don’t think it’s as fun as many of the other matchups. But I can’t say that I find it boring either, it’s just different. With gargos it’s that struggle to get your space and your minions out and once you have that the matchup changes from tons of effort to very little effort on your side, the scale basically flipflops to the opponent having the massive struggle. I personally have more fun in matches that keep that scale fluctuation to instinct activation but that’s just me.


i know how you feeling man you really get salty by my gargos…:confused:

Later. I need to watching Samurai jack Season 3 soon.

wait when will it come out?

Off topic, but I enjoy fighting those characters very much, even with Wulf who loses to both of them.

Are the matchups hard? Yes, very. But they’re also very fun.


Thanks for your feedback!

I thought Samurai Jack was cancelled years ago…