What does your opponent do to frustrate you?

I don’t find anything they do/no characters annoying - I like it if something is identified that repeatedly beats me cause then it’s clear what I have to work on.

I feel disappointed meeting disrespectful players - e.g. tbagging, verbal abuse.

Lol, don’t take it serious, but it’s like I’m feeling dumb for not countering it. What’s funny it’s because I don’t expect people to do it twice. Once I have the reading it won’t work, but I need to know the opponent.

Yeah it gets me damn near every time! I end up grabbing the air and then get kicked in the face. Very bad habit of mine…and I never use crouching HP when I need to. Its always after the fact that I think about it. And if I dont do anything I get thrown.

Only thing that frustrates me is when my opponents move auto corrects in the direction I moved to. And honestly that’s on me for either timing or not knowing which moves have auto correcting properties. But yeah making the right read and still getting hit is pretty frustrating. There have been some weird hitbox issues that have annoyed me like playing fulgore and doing shadow teleport on a Riptor who is using standing HP and some how getting clipped by his fire breath from behind him.

Outside of that I don’t understand everyone’s issues with jumping this game is full of really good AA’s many of which link into strong jungles or recaptures for combos.

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TJ has no anti-air. The read has to be so good to get the uppercut on jump, leaves you sooo wide open if you miss it’s unbelievable. So there’s that. Obviously you don’t play with him.

…lol I love the post edits. Yes I saw the transition from you claiming him not having an AA at all to thinking about it and coming to your current conclusion. You’re entitled to your opinion. I’m not trying to be a jerk but I assure it’s collectively not worth our time. Cheers.

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AAs aren’t good if it’s a cross up jump. Like Sadiras annoying cross ups. It’s hard to get away from her when she does it over and over.

I’m not prepared to argue every situation with every character. I simply believe that there are generally strong solutions to most repetitive strategies in most match ups. I never said anyone is wrong for being frustrated with opponents who jump What right do I have to claim what another person finds frustrating? I personally don’t understand it because of how strong I feel the AA’s are in this game.

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And I’ll still body you. Jump all you want. It’s all good


You know I’ll jump all I want. :wink:

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How about a long slow walk across the screen then?

No, that’s what my golem does, or perhaps @STORM179’s lovely ghost, but that web-slinging assassin for hire? Oh, no… She jumps until her heart bursts or she pierces theat of her opponent.