What cookies do you love/enjoy eating?

Any cookies that involves nothing but chocolate.


I’ve had cookies before my main meal. It didn’t spoil my appetite, that’s just a thing parents say!:upside_down_face::upside_down_face::upside_down_face:

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Generally any cookie with chocolate in and or on it…

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With my dietary restrictions, I sadly can’t eat a lot of the cookies I love anymore.

But I can still eat Oreos, Golden Oreos, and Fudgee-O’s!

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I think it’s about impossible to match a good chocolate chip. If any of you want to have a truly special chocolate-chip-cookie experience and are at least moderately skilled in cooking/baking, I wholeheartedly recommend this recipe:

In what ways exactly you can eat those kinds of cookies but not the others?

I can’t have milk ingredients and I have intolerance for soy and I also need to keep the fibre down.

Oreos and Fudgee-O’s are safe for me to eat; classic chocolate chip, peanut butter, and oatmeal cookies are not.

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I personally like homemade chocolate chip cookies, and when I am hungry I eat anyone available at that time.

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