Ultimates in season 3...I still can't see them happening

I’ve never had much hope, ever since season 1 and Shago got his ultimate all we’ve ever been told is “Maybe next season if we have time” or “Stay tuned” and that turned into outright denial and tricky wording to discourage people. As it is, I don’t expect them. Ever. If they come, I’ll be grateful but after the way they’re treated the situation thus far I have little hope. Same with the “3 stages” in season 3, I’m kind of pissy that they went and wrecked one of my favorite parts of the game so I’m sitting here with rock bottom expectations so I don’t get upset when they disappoint down the line.

wow. thats just annoying to say the least.

i guess it looks like i missed the memo then. would it have killed them to just say “no ultimates in season 3.”

maybe they id and i just missed it but still…idk…

the whole 3 stages thing is okay AS LONG as we get compensated but so far it doesnt seem like we’re getting any news… like fine, if it isnt well executed fine. just tell us instead of building hype though lol

Our compensation was the new lighting system in the old stages as far as i’ve been made aware.

was that announced after they said there would only be 3 stages?

pretty anticlimactic since all we got was a textual stream.

I’m not entirely sure, don’t quote me on that but we were told that they had to go back to each stage and redo all the lighting. I think that’s where all the man power went, I don’t know.

i use to have hope in ultimates but lately i think will not happend at all, i am more interesting on new character and Tusk and new improve rankend leages right now.


I don’t think we’re getting Ultimates in S3, or in this entire incarnation of KI, which is extremely disappointing.

We probably won’t get Ultimates back in KI until “Killer Instinct 2: Season 1”; a total overhaul of the game with new character models, mechanics, etc…and a actual budget. But even the possibility of that game coming out in 5-10 years is slim. :neutral_face:


When did this thread revive?

I don’t care about Ultimates even in the slightest. Glad their effort is being put into other things

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that was my fault lol. i never noticed this thread until my topic got moved here. glad we can get more opinions though

You know, from what I’ve seen out of the devs the way you know for certain that something isn’t happening is they just come out & say it, no beating around the bushes. Like the 3 stages thing…they said it, & every time it’s been brought up again there was no deflection or trolling or any sort of language that could be misread as a maybe. They have clearly stated 3 stages. period.

Saying Shadow Jago is the only character with an ultimate is neither confirming or denying any future possibility of ultimates. It’s simply declaring the current state of the game. In the same vein you could say Tusk is not in KI. He will be when season 3 launches, but as of right now, Tusk is not in KI.

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No probs man. Just happened out of the blue, that’s all lol :confused:

There will be something. I guarentee it. A surprise that no one was expecting. There has to. Season 1 was a revival of a lost series. Season 2 were Stage Ultras. Season 3 has to have something new. Otherwise,it would just be a character pack. Not a new season.