The Season 3 "Fasting" Challenge (failed)

I’m still good…


until Tuesday, The Division is waiting…

immediately plays KI after seeing Tusk Stream


Well. I failed partially. I said I wouldnt play any videogames till launch. I did. It just hasnt been KI. That counts yeah?

Update: I’ve been continuously failing this challenge every day.
Not sure if I should be ashamed.

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Sunday was my last day of KI, played a great set with Jago and ended on a high note.

I feel satisfied enough to last me for the remaining time until S3’s launch. I did fail trying to level everyone to 50 because of this challenge though… but, in reality I would’ve have made it anyway.

Either way,.

20 and a half days!

I mentioned this in another thread, but I’ll probably be doing the same…mostly because I’m going to have to relearn how to play with everybody anyway, it’s a bit harder when your muscle memory is fine-tuned towards the previous iteration.

You can’t stay away from KI forever! :stuck_out_tongue:

No sir, just until the 29th :grin:

Still going, hasn’t been easy, I feel like a drug addict. I’ve been getting shivers, palpitations, and anxiety these past few days.

I yearn to fullscreen Windkick into Ultra. I’m losing my grip here…

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Thank god for Fire Emblem Fates and my youtube channel. I’ve got stuff to do while I wait but I’ll still be hype AF :slightly_smiling:

You guys can bet I’ll be streaming all day when S3 launches, learning new strategies with Glacius, new combos for Cinder, learning Arbiter or just fooling around :smile:

But for now…Valla needs me.

Easy challenge for me. I actually avoid playing it nowadays because S3 brings so many new additions and changes to the current characters.

We might need to play some Division to get your mind off your KI Addiction. :grin:

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Yeah, I gotta be honest, I went ahead & have played some KI…mostly trying to level up characters that aren’t my mains. I’m actually starting to get pretty good with Aganos…I played against a Killer player with a top 32 star the other day & while I didn’t win I felt pretty confident in my performance. Maybe he’ll be a new main soon.