The "GGs" Thread! (AKA The Enormous Matchmaking and Rational Beef Resolution Thread)

GG’s to @SneerfulWater57 today on ranked…

Kim wu is no joke.


GG’s to @TDBKi4Life

It was a great game in ranked.


Ggs to Manny Perez, crazy Riptor. Though the combo breaks were just as crazy. We went about 40 matches in with our mains, pretty intense.

To celebrate such hype sets, I must shout-out folks for the intense (salt-inducing) sets!

@TheNinjaOstrich I need you to remember Lisht, remember the suffering you caused my people from your betrayal and brace yourself in the neutral game for some intense sets.

@STORM179 When’s the hype stream set? I have been overly positive lately, I need that toned down with the Hisako Salty Sets

@ItzTymeToDul, more like itz time to stop ducking me.

@Dayv0 Espero que tu curación vaya bien. Así como a tus luchadores del último golpe les di. ¡Vamonos! (I hope your healing is going well. As well as your fighters from the last beatdown I gave them. Let’s go!)

@KevBones10 I actually need to stop ducking you as much as you break my light manuals.

I’m ready to throw down with you beautiful bestards!


I might just stream tomorrow as a “See ya at CEO!” thing.

We can play tomorrow, after I go swimming :smile:


Anyone up for some matches right now?

GGS to @STORM179!

my Arbiter need to go hospital.

Hisako can stop Kilgore before his DP!?!

GGs to @Dayv0 for the set earlier, Eyedol’s zoning is not fun to deal with and it feels like he never switches from that head

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I feel the opposite sometimes but that’s what you get with a random character

Ggs man, great matches!

You did a great work blocking the mixups, your Jago is awesome

Also, I noticed that not many Eyedol use the “wake up” move to force switching, but it’s really handy.

And yes, Eyedol has random stances, but overall I rarely have any problem staying in the mode I like

Ggs to @LeoFerreis and @KI4Life69 for the great games that DID NOT crash.

I’ve learned that one mistake against Raam = Dead Sadira. O.O

I agree with Ztrain, more often than not I’ve found myself in Mage mode way longer than Warrior. But yea, he’s random so…

I DID play an Eyedol that didn’t change stance at all. :frowning:

GG’s to all the people I played this week in sets and randomly in Ranked: @TheNinjaOstrich, @STLemonHunter, @KevBones10, @MandrillManiac, @MnTLetalis, @xXHoLoGrAmXxx, @F3Sleep, @ItzTymeToDul and anyone else I missed. Enjoyed all the games, and see most of you tomorrow! :smile:

And thanks as well to all the people who dropped by the stream, either regularly or intermittently. @BigBadAndy, @SneerfulWater57, and many others. Just having fun with all of you while playing KI is why I decided to start streaming :slight_smile:


Good luck to everyone heading out to CEO! Make us casuals and semi-competitors proud :grin:


GG’s my man.

I always have fun playing with you. Even If I get wrecked. I don’t care.

It’s same with everyone.

@KevBones10, @TheNinjaOstrich, @SonicDolphin117, @Fwufikins, @HWSlenderCashew @Dayv0 and more.

I am blessed to have met you guys. Some say season 3 is bad. But this season 3 is the reason why I am happy to have friends.


Good luck this weekend.


Good luck Storm!!! DOMINATE!



Didn’t make it. Lost to Fiyah Liger, and went 3-1 with Mister J.

At least I made it on stream and put on a good show. Next time.