The "End of the World" Thread

This coming Saturday, September 23, 2017 is supposedly the “end of the world” which I really don’t believe will happen BUT I personally do believe that something VERY eventful, a VERY significant as well as powerful event is going to occur on that particular day and date :wink:

Doubt it


I believe

Puts on tin foil hat


end of the world? naw. something significant? for me sure, im gonna get screwed, blued and i would say tattoo’d but i r broke joke.

If it happens, it was a pleasure meeting you guys and gals! =D
(And finally played KI after the long wait, along with a lot of great, and of course, wonderful aspects of life that have nothing to do with material and superficial stuff).

But I’m guessing we will be fine. So far. Hope so…


I was wondering when the world was going to end this year. :roll_eyes: :smirk:
People have been claiming the end of the world for as long as there has been an end to claim. Personally I don’t buy into any sort of ancient mysticism prophesy sign. And to be honest so far every last one of them that has ever been made have been wrong. I don’t really see any reason to buy into this one either…especially if it’s trying to tie old testament biblical predictions to zodiac signs. That’s kinda like digging into Norse mythology to determine what the Myan calendar predicts for the end of the world.
BTW, here is a related article:


Well, I’ll be working, so maybe I’ll be able to get out early lol


God I hope not…

I’ve been working too GODDAMN Hard on my book for this S*** to come up.

■■■■ I need to get it out in 3 months not 3 hours…

So please end of the world. Postpone… IDK 3 gazillion years or something.


I mean, worst case (in the context) you’ll still be able to make it happen, sooo… :wink:

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These “end of the world” dates come and go. Saturday will be no different. When September 23rd, 2015 came and went, people just changed the year and recycled the theory.

With that said, I am aware of specific astronomical events that are taking place on that day which is interesting to say the least!


It’s 2012 all over again


Yeah, it’s kinda like with solar eclipses. At one point in history everyone believed they were some sort of bad omen. Now we know it’s simply a neat astronomical event that happens every so many years when things line up just right for the moon to cast a shadow on us.
…well, that and the shadowing screws up bugs’ internal clocks and makes them think it’s turning night time until it goes away.

Speaking of solar eclipses, I’m looking forward to the next one in about 7 years, because the path they’re predicting for the total eclipse it will go directly over where I live.


And fish. The eclipse was great for trout fishing…


That’s something that would be up for theological debate, and something I personally disagree with, but as any of the @moderators would tell you, it’s a discussion for a different forum.

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as long as armageddon doesnt happen until after i reach my peak at driving in events i dont care. after i do that, bring it on i got plenty of ammo lol


Technically in around a billion years our sun will supernova and END the world. :smiley:


That’s a fact, the sun will die. Maybe reborn after it, who knows. But Earth will be destroyed as everything else close to the sun. It’s very sad actually, thinking this beautiful Oasis in space will be destroyed some day =(

But still there’s a loooong way to go before that happens.