Stick issue

Stick turns everywhere but right, was missing right a lot on my old pcb, so figured it was the pcb and replaced it, now everything works better except, right doesn’t move at all now, any ideas? Its for the te2.

Everything is cleaned, gate is new as well.

Asking again, I can’t find help with the issue elsewhere.

What part do I replace to replace the wire to the right direction? - TE2 EZ MOD Install (Part 1) - YouTube here I found a modding video on the te2, at 3:55 is the part he is mentioning that I need to replace? What is it called? Also I need to find a longer wire of the part at 4:50, which is the start and select button wires and I need to know what that part is called?

I am trying to drill different holes for the start/select buttons on the stick and I need a longer wire to do that.

If nobody knows, is there a list of modders for areas somewhere? (I tried shoryuken) I’m looking for a modder in the portland, or area.